Source code for AIModels.AIutil

Utility Treatment Routines for ML Predicting models

This modules contains a set of routines for preparing data for insertion in transformers models used
for prediction of multivariate time series data. The classes are contaiend in the companion file `` and are imported in this module.
The classes are contaiend in the companion file `` and are imported in this module.


import os,sys
import math
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as lin  
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd

import scipy.linalg as sc

# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import datetime

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
# import torch.optim as optim
from import Dataset, DataLoader
import torch.nn.functional as F
# import transformers as tr
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler

import zapata.computation as zcom
import as zd
# import zapata.lib as zlib
import zapata.mapping as zmap
# import zapata.koopman as zkop
# import AIModels.AIClasses as zaic

[docs] def func_name(): """ :return: name of caller """ return sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name
[docs] def copy_dict(data, strip_values=False, remove_keys=[]): ''' Copy dictionary Parameters ========== data: dict Dictionary to be copied strip_values: boolean If True, strip values remove_keys: list List of keys to be removed Returns ======= out: dict Copied dictionary without the keys in `remove_keys` ''' if type(data) is dict: out = {} for key, value in data.items(): if key not in remove_keys: out[key] = copy_dict(value, strip_values=strip_values, remove_keys=remove_keys) return out else: return [] if strip_values else data
[docs] def select_field(INX,outfield,verbose=False): ''' Select field for `outfield` in dict PARAMETERS ========== INX: dict Dictionary with the fields to be analyzed outfield: string Field to be analyzed verbose: boolean If True, print the field information RETURNS ======= out: numpy array Field data arealat: numpy array Latitude limits of the field arealon: numpy array Longitude limits of the field centlon: numpy array Central longitude of the field ''' for i in INX.keys(): if i == outfield: if verbose: print(INX[i]) out = INX[i]['X'] arealat = np.array(INX[i]['arealat']) arealon = np.array(INX[i]['arealon']) centlon = np.array(INX[i]['centlon']) break return out,arealat,arealon,centlon
[docs] def select_field_key(INX,outfield,dataname): ''' Select field for `outfield` in dict according to `dataname` PARAMETERS ========== INX: dict Dictionary with the fields to be analyzed outfield: string Field to be analyzed dataname: string Key to be analyzed RETURNS ======= out: numpy array Field data ''' for i in INX.keys(): if i == outfield: out = INX[i][dataname] break return out
[docs] def select_field_eof(INX,outfield): ''' Select eof-related fields for `outfield` in dict PARAMETERS ========== INX: dict Dictionary with the fields to be analyzed outfield: string Field to be analyzed RETURNS ======= U: numpy array EOF modes S: numpy array Singular values V: numpy array EOF coefficients ''' for i in INX.keys(): if i == outfield: print(f'{func_name()} ---> Extracting EOF data for {INX[i]["field"]}') U = INX[i]['udat'] V = INX[i]['vdat'] S = INX[i]['sdat'] break return U,S,V
[docs] def select_area(area,ZZ): ''' Select area for dataset ZZ Parameters ========== area: string Area to be analyzed, possible values are (EUROPE only implemented) * 'TROPIC': Tropics * 'GLOBAL': Global * 'PACTROPIC': Pacific Tropics * 'WORLD': World * 'EUROPE': Europe * 'NORTH_AMERICA': North America * 'NH-ML': Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitudes ZZ: xarray dataset Returns ======= Z: xarray dataset ''' shift_Centlon = 180 # central pacific coordinates if area == 'TROPIC': arealat=(35,-35) arealon=np.array([0, 360.]) elif area == 'GLOBAL': arealat=(60,-60) arealon=np.array([120,290.] ) elif area == 'PACTROPIC': arealat=(25,-25) arealon=np.array([180,290.]) elif area == 'WORLD': arealat=(70,-30) arealon=[0,360.] elif area == 'NH-ML': arealat=(90,20) arealon=[0,360.] elif area == 'EUROPE': # Require central longitude to 0 lon shift_Centlon = 0 arealat=(70,30) arealon=[-15, 50.] elif area == 'NORTH_AMERICA': arealat=(70,25) arealon=[200, 310.] else: print(f'No area defined') raise ValueError arealat = np.array(arealat) arealon = np.array(arealon) if area =='EUROPE': print('Use Greenwich centered coordinates with centlat=0') ZZ1 = ZZ.sel(lat=slice(70,30),lon=slice(340,360)) ZZ1 = ZZ1.assign_coords({'lon':ZZ1.lon -360}) Z = xr.concat((ZZ1, ZZ.sel(lat=slice(70,30),lon=slice(0,50))), dim='lon') del ZZ1 else: print('Use Pacific centered coordinates with centlat=180') Z = ZZ.sel(lat=slice(arealat[0],arealat[1]), lon=slice(arealon[0],arealon[1])) Z = Z.assign_coords(lon = Z.lon-180.) arealon = arealon - 180 return Z
[docs] def make_matrix(S,SMOOTH,normalization,shift,**kwargs): ''' Make matrix for SVD analysis Parameters ========== S: xarray dataset Dataset with the field to be analyzed SMOOTH: boolean If True, smooth the data normalization: string Type of normalization to be applied shift: string Type of shift to be applied to select the data dropnan: String Option to drop NaN values from Xmat True -- Uses indexed dropna in Xmat False -- Uses standard dropna in Xmat from Xarray detrend: boolean If True, detrend the data Returns ======= X: xarray dataset Math Matrix with EOF coefficients ''' # Default values default_values = {'dropnan': False, 'detrend' : False} mv = {**default_values, **kwargs} print(mv) #Weight cosine of latitude WS=np.cos(*math.pi/180) # Create Xmat Matrix if mv['dropnan']: X=zcom.Xmat(S*WS,dims=('lat','lon'),option='DropNaN') print('Option DropNaN -- Shape of Xmat',X.A.shape) else: X=zcom.Xmat(S*WS,dims=('lat','lon')) X.A = X.A.dropna(dim='z') print('Option DropNaN False -- Shape of Xmat',X.A.shape) # detrend data if mv['detrend']: print('make_matrix: -- Detrending data') X.detrend(axis=1) # Smooth data # Put label on the last month of the window if SMOOTH: X.A = X.A.rolling(time=3,center=False,min_periods=3).mean().dropna(dim='time') # Create anomalies X.anom(option=normalization) if shift == 'SCRAM': X.A = X.A[:,np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(X.A.time)))].assign_coords(time=S.time[:-2]) return X
[docs] def make_eof(X, mr,eof_interval=None): ''' Compute EOF analysis on data matrix Parameters ========== X: X matrix Data matrix in `X` format mr: int Number of modes to be retained eof_interval: list List with the starting and ending date for EOF analysis Returns ======= mr: int Number of modes retained, in case the number of modes is less than rank Set to `math.inf` to keep all modes var_retained: float Percentage of variance retained udat: numpy array Matrix of EOF modes vdat: numpy array Matrix of EOF coefficients sdat: numpy array Vector of singular values ''' xdat = #Check eof interval if eof_interval is not None: eofstart = X.A.time.to_index().get_loc(eof_interval[0]) eofend = X.A.time.to_index().get_loc(eof_interval[1]) print(f'make_eof: -- EOF interval defined -- Using data from {eof_interval[0]} to {eof_interval[1]}') print(f'make_eof: -- EOF interval defined -- Using data from {eofstart} to {eofend}') udatx, sdatx, _ = sc.svd(xdat[:,eofstart:eofend], full_matrices=False,lapack_driver='gesvd') else: udatx, sdatx, _ = sc.svd(xdat[:,:], full_matrices=False) # lmr = lin.matrix_rank(xdat) lmr = matrix_rank_light(xdat,sdatx) mr = min(mr,lmr) print(f' Number of SVD modes retained {mr}, rank of matrix {lmr}') var = sdatx**2 var_retained = sum(var[0:mr])/sum(var) print(f'Variance Retained {var_retained:.2f} out of possible {len(var)} modes') print(f' Condition number {max(sdatx)/min(sdatx)}') #keep only mr modes # S Field udat=udatx[:,0:mr] sdat=sdatx[0:mr] # the columns of vhdatx contain the coefficients of the field (standardized to unit variance) # vhdat=vhdatx[0:mr,:] # cofficients non standardized directly from projection on EOF vdat=udat.T @ xdat return mr, var_retained, udat,vdat, sdat
[docs] def make_field(*args,**kwargs): ''' Make field for analysis Parameters ========== area: string (postional argument) Area to be analyzed, possible values are * 'TROPIC': Tropics * 'GLOBAL': Global * 'PACTROPIC': Pacific Tropics * 'WORLD': World * 'EUROPE': Europe * 'NORTH_AMERICA': North America * 'NH-ML': Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitudes var: string (keyword argument) Variable to be analyzed level: string (keyword argument) Level to be analyzed period: string (keyword argument) Period to be analyzed version: string (keyword argument) Version of the dataset loc: string (keyword argument) Location of the dataset Returns ======= Z: xarray dataset Field to be analyzed arealat: numpy array Latitude limits of the field arealon: numpy array Longitude limits of the field ''' # Default values default_values = {'var':'SST','level':'SST','period':'ANN','version':'V5','loc':None} merged_values = {**default_values, **kwargs} verdata = merged_values['version'] match verdata: case 'V5': return make_field_V5(*args,**merged_values) case 'HAD': return make_field_HAD(*args,**merged_values) case _: print(f'Version {verdata} not defined') return None
[docs] def make_field_V5(area,**kwargs): ''' Make field for analysis Parameters ========== area: string Area to be analyzed, possible values are * 'TROPIC': Tropics * 'GLOBAL': Global * 'PACTROPIC': Pacific Tropics * 'WORLD': World * 'EUROPE': Europe * 'NORTH_AMERICA': North America * 'NH-ML': Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitudes var: string Variable to be analyzed level: string Level to be analyzed period: string Period to be analyzed version: string Version of the dataset loc: string Location of the dataset Returns ======= Z: xarray dataset Field to be analyzed arealat: numpy array Latitude limits of the field arealon: numpy array Longitude limits of the field ''' period = kwargs['period'] version = kwargs['version'] var = kwargs['var'] level = kwargs['level'] loc = kwargs['loc'] shift_Centlon = 180 #area='WORLD' # central pacific coordinates if area == 'TROPIC': arealat=(35,-35) arealon=np.array([0, 360.]) elif area == 'GLOBAL': arealat=(60,-60) arealon=np.array([120,290.] ) elif area == 'PACTROPIC': arealat=(25,-25) arealon=np.array([180,290.]) elif area == 'WORLD': arealat=(70,-30) arealon=[0,360.] elif area == 'NH-ML': arealat=(90,20) arealon=[0,360.] elif area == 'EUROPE': # Require central longitude to 0 lon shift_Centlon = 0 arealat=(70,30) arealon=[-15, 50.] elif area == 'NORTH_AMERICA': arealat=(70,25) arealon=[200, 310.] else: print(f'No area defined') arealat = np.array(arealat) arealon = np.array(arealon) dd=zd.in_data(var,level,period=period,epoch=version, loc = loc,averaging=False,verbose=True) ZZ = dd[var.lower()] if area =='EUROPE': print('Use Greenwich centered coordinates with centlat=0') ZZ1 = ZZ.sel(lat=slice(70,30),lon=slice(340,360)) ZZ1 = ZZ1.assign_coords({'lon':ZZ1.lon -360}) Z = xr.concat((ZZ1, ZZ.sel(lat=slice(70,30),lon=slice(0,50))), dim='lon') del ZZ1 else: print('Use Pacific centered coordinates with centlat=180') Z = ZZ.sel(lat=slice(arealat[0],arealat[1]), lon=slice(arealon[0],arealon[1])) Z = Z.assign_coords(lon = Z.lon-180.) arealon = arealon - 180 del dd,ZZ print(f'Selecting field {var} for level {level} and area {area}') return Z, arealat, arealon, shift_Centlon
[docs] def make_field_HAD(area,**kwargs): ''' Make field for analysis for HADSST Parameters ========== area: string Area to be analyzed, possible values are * 'TROPIC': Tropics * 'GLOBAL': Global * 'PACTROPIC': Pacific Tropics * 'WORLD': World * 'EUROPE': Europe * 'NORTH_AMERICA': North America * 'NH-ML': Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitudes var: string Variable to be analyzed level: string Level to be analyzed period: string Period to be analyzed version: string Version of the dataset loc: string Location of the dataset Returns ======= Z: xarray dataset Field to be analyzed arealat: numpy array Latitude limits of the field arealon: numpy array Longitude limits of the field ''' period = kwargs['period'] version = kwargs['version'] var = kwargs['var'] level = kwargs['level'] loc = kwargs['loc'] shift_Centlon = 180 #area='WORLD' # central pacific coordinates if area == 'TROPIC': arealat=(35,-35) arealon=np.array([0, 360.]) elif area == 'GLOBAL': arealat=(60,-60) arealon=np.array([120,290.] ) elif area == 'PACTROPIC': arealat=(25,-25) arealon=np.array([180,290.]) elif area == 'WORLD': arealat=(70,-30) arealon=[0,360.] elif area == 'NH-ML': arealat=(90,20) arealon=[0,360.] elif area == 'EUROPE': # Require central longitude to 0 lon shift_Centlon = 0 arealat=(70,30) arealon=[-15, 50.] elif area == 'NORTH_AMERICA': arealat=(70,25) arealon=[200, 310.] else: print(f'No area defined') arealat = np.array(arealat) arealon = np.array(arealon) dstart = '1/1/1870' dtend = '12/30/2020' data_time = pd.date_range(start=dstart, end=dtend, freq='1MS') # Hist1950 datadir = loc + '/Dropbox (CMCC)/ERA5/DATA/HADSST/' files = '' print(f'{datadir} \n SST file --> \t {files} \n') ds = xr.open_dataset(datadir + files,use_cftime=None).drop_dims('nv').rename({'latitude': 'lat', 'longitude': 'lon'}) sst_Pac = zmap.adjust_data_centlon(ds.sst) sst_Pac = sst_Pac.assign_coords({'lon':sst_Pac.lon+180.}) # #Fix discontinuity at dateline sst_Pac.loc[dict(lon=180.5)] = (sst_Pac.sel(lon=180-1.5)+sst_Pac.sel(lon=182.5))/2 sst_Pac.loc[dict(lon=180+1.5)] = (sst_Pac.sel(lon=180-1.5)+sst_Pac.sel(lon=182.5))/2 ZZ = sst_Pac.sel(lat=slice(arealat[0],arealat[1]),lon=slice(arealon[0],arealon[1])).assign_coords({'time': data_time})[abs( > 100] = np.nan if area =='EUROPE': print('Use Greenwich centered coordinates with centlat=0') ZZ1 = ZZ.sel(lat=slice(70,30),lon=slice(340,360)) ZZ1 = ZZ1.assign_coords({'lon':ZZ1.lon -360}) Z = xr.concat((ZZ1, ZZ.sel(lat=slice(70,30),lon=slice(0,50))), dim='lon') del ZZ1 else: print('Use Pacific centered coordinates with centlat=180') Z = ZZ.sel(lat=slice(arealat[0],arealat[1]), lon=slice(arealon[0],arealon[1])) Z = Z.assign_coords(lon = Z.lon-180.) arealon = arealon - 180 del ZZ print(f'Selecting field {var} for level {level} and area {area}') return Z, arealat, arealon, shift_Centlon
[docs] def make_data(INX,params): ''' Prepare data for analysis and concatenate as needed. Modify input `INX` dictionary by adding values for `scaler` and `index` for each field. `scaler` is the scaler used, `index` is the index of the data in the concatenated matrix INX. The Convention for indeces is that they point to the real date. If python ranges need to be defined then it must take into account the extra 1 in the end of the range. PARAMETERS ========== INX: dict Dictionary with the fields to be analyzed params: dict Dictionary with the parameters for the analysis RETURNS ======= datain: numpy array Matrix with the data to be analyzed INX: dict Input dictionary updated with the information from the data analysis ''' indstart = 0 for num,i in enumerate(INX.keys()): print(f'\nProcessing field {INX[i]["field"]} that is {INX[i]["datatype"]}') _,_, vdat = select_field_eof(INX,i) indstart = indstart indend = indstart + INX[i]['mr'] print('vdat',vdat.shape) #Normalize Training Data if params['scaling'] == 'MaxMin': sstr = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1,1)) else: sstr = StandardScaler() if num == 0: datatr = sstr.fit_transform(vdat.T[params['train_period_start']:params['train_period_end']+1,:]) else: datatr = np.concatenate((datatr,sstr.fit_transform(vdat.T[params['train_period_start']:params['train_period_end']+1,:])),axis=1) INX[i]['scaler_tr'] = sstr #Normalize Validation Data if params['scaling'] == 'MaxMin': ssva = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1,1)) else: ssva = StandardScaler() if num == 0: datava = ssva.fit_transform(vdat.T[params['val_period_start']:params['val_period_end']+1,:]) else: datava = np.concatenate((datava,ssva.fit_transform(vdat.T[params['val_period_start']:params['val_period_end']+1,:])),axis=1) INX[i]['scaler_va'] = ssva #Normalize Test Data # Use the scaling of the training data if num == 0: datate = sstr.transform(vdat.T[params['test_period_start']:params['test_period_end']+1,:]) else: datate = np.concatenate((datate,sstr.transform(vdat.T[params['test_period_start']:params['test_period_end']+1,:])),axis=1) INX[i]['scaler_te'] = sstr INX[i]['index'] = np.arange(indstart, indend) print(f'Added field {i} to feature input data') print(f'Index for field {INX[i]["field"]} are {indstart} and {indend}\n') print(f'Using {params["scaling"]} scaling') print(f'Using {INX[i]["mr"]} EOFs for {INX[i]["var_retained"]} variance retained') indstart = indend # Transform to Tensor datatr = torch.tensor(datatr, device=params['device'], dtype=params['t_type']) datava = torch.tensor(datava, device=params['device'], dtype=params['t_type']) datate = torch.tensor(datate, device=params['device'], dtype=params['t_type']) print(f'Training data shape {datatr.shape}') print(f'Validation data shape {datava.shape}') print(f'Testing data shape {datate.shape}') return datatr, datava, datate, INX
[docs] def make_features(INX): ''' Prepare features for analysis and compute features boundaries PARAMETERS ========== INX: dict Dictionary with the fields to be analyzed RETURNS ======= num_features: int Number of features m_limit: list List with the boundaries of the features ''' num_features = 0 m_limit = [] for num,ii in enumerate(INX.keys()): print(f'\nProcessing field {INX[ii]["field"]} that is {INX[ii]["datatype"]}') num_features += INX[ii]['mr'] m_limit.append(INX[ii]['mr']) print(f'Limit for {INX[ii]["field"]} is {INX[ii]["mr"]}') print(f'Total number of features {num_features}') return num_features, m_limit
[docs] def make_data_base(InputVars, period='ANN', version='V5', SMOOTH=False, normalization='STD', \ eof_interval = None, detrend=False,\ shift='ERA5', case=None, datatype='Source_data', location='DDIR'): ''' Organize data variables in data base `INX` PARAMETERS ========== InputVars: list List of variables to be analyzed period: string Period to be analyzed version: string Version of the dataset SMOOTH: boolean If True, smooth the data normalization: string Type of normalization to be applied eof_interval: list List with the starting and ending date for EOF analysis detrend: boolean If True, detrend the data shift: string Type of shift to be applied to select the data case: string Case to be analyzed datatype: string Type of data to be analyzed, either `Source_data` or `Target_data` location: string Data directory RETURNS ======= INX: dict Dictionary with the fields to be analyzed. The dictionary is organized as follows: INX = {'id1':{'case':case,'datatype': datatype,'field','level':inlevel, 'centlon':centlon,'arealat':arealat, 'arealon':arealon, X':X,'xdat':xdat,'mr':mr,'var_retained':varr,'udat':udat,'vdat':vdat,'sdat':sdat}} ''' INX = {} for invar in InputVars: for inlevel in invar.levels: S,arealat,arealon, centlon = make_field(invar.area,,level=inlevel,period=period,version=version,loc=location) X = make_matrix(S,SMOOTH,normalization,shift,dropnan=False,detrend=detrend) if eof_interval is None: print(f'No EOF interval defined -- Using all data') mr, varr, udat, vdat,sdat = make_eof(X, else: print(f'EOF interval defined -- Using data from {eof_interval[0]} to {eof_interval[1]}') mr, varr, udat, vdat,sdat = make_eof(X,,eof_interval=eof_interval) dv = {'case':case,'area':invar.area, 'datatype': datatype,'field','level':inlevel, 'centlon':centlon,\ 'arealat':arealat, 'arealon':arealon, 'X':X,'mr':mr,'var_retained':varr,'udat':udat,'vdat':vdat,'sdat':sdat} id = ( INX.update( {id:dv}) print(f'Added field `{}` with identification `{id}` to data base') del S return INX
[docs] def init_weights(m): ''' Initialize weights with uniform ditribution''' for name, param in m.named_parameters(): nn.init.uniform_(, -0.08, 0.08)
[docs] def count_parameters(model): ''' Count Model Parameters''' return sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
[docs] def epoch_time(start_time, end_time): '''Compute Execution time per epoch''' elapsed_time = end_time - start_time elapsed_mins = int(elapsed_time / 60) elapsed_secs = int(elapsed_time - (elapsed_mins * 60)) return elapsed_mins, elapsed_secs
[docs] def create_time_features(data_time, start,device): ''' Create the past features for monthly means PARAMETERS ========== data_time: xarray dataset Time data start: datetime Starting date device: string Device to be used for computation RETURNS ======= pasft: torch tensor Tensor with the past features Three levels: * The first level is the month sequence * The second level is the seasonal cycle * The third is the year ''' pasft = torch.zeros(len(data_time),3,device=device,dtype=torch.float32) tt = data_time.year #Months pasft[:,0] = torch.tensor((data_time.month - 1) / 11.0 - 0.5) #Seasons pasft[:,1] = torch.tensor((data_time.quarter-2.5)/4) #Years pasft[:,2] = torch.tensor((data_time.year-data_time.year[0])/(data_time.year[-1]-data_time.year[0])) return pasft
[docs] def rescale (params, PDX, out_train0, out_val0, out_test0): '''' Rescale data to original values, according to scaling choice in PARAMETERS ========== params: dict Dictionary with the parameters for the analysis PDX: dict Dictionary with the information for the fields to be analyzed out_train0: numpy array Training data out_val0: numpy array Validation data out_test0: numpy array Test data RETURNS ======= out_train: numpy array Rescaled training data out_val: numpy array Rescaled validation data out_test: numpy array Rescaled test data true: numpy array Original data ''' Tpredict = params['Tpredict'] out_train = np.ones(out_train0.shape) out_val = np.ones(out_val0.shape) out_test = np.ones(out_test0.shape) for num,i in enumerate(PDX.keys()): print(f'\nProcessing field {PDX[i]["field"]} that is {PDX[i]["datatype"]}') print(f'Number of modes retained {PDX[i]["mr"]}') print(PDX[i]['vdat'].T.shape) indloc = PDX[i]['index'] if num == 0: for t in range(Tpredict): out_train[:,t,indloc] = PDX[i]['scaler_tr'].inverse_transform(out_train0[:,t,indloc]) out_val[:,t,indloc] = PDX[i]['scaler_va'].inverse_transform(out_val0[:,t,indloc]) out_test[:,t,indloc] = PDX[i]['scaler_te'].inverse_transform(out_test0[:,t,indloc]) true = PDX[i]['vdat'].T else: print(out_train.shape) for t in range(Tpredict): out_train[:,t,indloc] = PDX[i]['scaler_tr'].inverse_transform(out_train0[:,t,indloc]) out_val[:,t,indloc] = PDX[i]['scaler_va'].inverse_transform(out_val0[:,t,indloc]) out_test[:,t,indloc] = PDX[i]['scaler_te'].inverse_transform(out_test0[:,t,indloc]) true = np.concatenate((true,PDX[i]['vdat'].T),axis=1) return out_train,out_val,out_test,true
[docs] def make_dyn_verification(ver_f, area, dyn_cases, dynddr, times, dyn_startdate, dyn_enddate, filever): ''' Make dynamic verification data PARAMETERS ========== ver_f: numpy array Verification data area: string Area to be analyzed dyn_cases: list List of cases to be analyzed dynaddr: string Address of the dynamic data times: numpy array Time data dyn_startdate: string Starting date for the data dyn_enddate: string Ending date for the data filever: string Name of the file to be written RETURNS ======= ver_d: numpy array Verification data in numpy format ''' endindex = np.where(times == dyn_enddate) startindex = np.where(times == dyn_startdate) ndyn = int(endindex[0]-startindex[0]+1) # ngrid = INX['T2MT2M']['X'].A.shape[0] # dynddr = homedir + '/Dropbox (CMCC)/ERA5/SEASONAL_'+ ver_f print(f'Starting date for verification of dynamic data {dyn_startdate} and ending date {dyn_enddate}') print(f'Number of months for verification {ndyn}') print(f'Verification field {ver_f}') lead_length = 6 match ver_f: case 'SST': vername_f = 'ssta' case 'T2M': vername_f = 't2a' case _ : print(f'Verification field {ver_f} not defined') raise ValueError try: out = xr.open_dataset(filever).stack(z=('lat','lon'))[vername_f] print(f'Verification data loaded from file {filever}') except: print(f'Verification data not found -- Creating file {filever}') # ver_d = np.ones((ndyn,6,ngrid)) for cen in dyn_cases: for lead in range(lead_length): vfiles = [f"{dynddr}/{cen[ver_f]}_{cen['center']}_{k}_{lead+1}.nc" for k in cen['system']] for index, value in enumerate(vfiles): print(lead,index, value) ddd = xr.open_dataset(value).rename({'longitude':'lon','latitude':'lat'}).sel(time=slice(times[startindex[0]+lead][0],times[endindex[0]-6+lead][0])).mean(dim='number')#.persist() print(f'Variable selected ---> {vername_f}, size {ddd[vername_f].shape}') out_field = select_area(area,ddd).stack(z=('lat','lon')).transpose('time','z')[vername_f] if index == 0: result = out_field else: result = xr.concat([result,out_field],dim='time') del ddd,out_field print(f'\nAt lead {lead}, Result shape {result.shape}, times {result.time[0].data} to {result.time[-1].data}') if lead == 0: out_time = result.time out = xr.full_like(result, 1).expand_dims(dim={"lead":range(1,lead_length+1)}, axis=1).assign_coords(time=out_time).copy() out[:,lead,:] = result.assign_coords(time=out_time) print(f'\n Lead 0 --> {out.shape},{result.shape}') else: out[:,lead,:] = result.assign_coords(time=out_time) print(f'Finished analysis for lead {lead_length} {out.shape}') out.unstack().to_netcdf(filever,engine='h5netcdf') return out
[docs] def eof_to_grid_new(choice,field, verification, forecasts, times, INX=None, params=None, truncation=None): ''' Transform from the eof representation to the grid representation, putting data in the format (Np, Tpredict,gridpoints) in stacked format . Where Np is the total number of cases that is given by $N_p = L - TIN - Tpredict +1$ L is the total length of the test period and Tpredict is the number of lead times and gridpoints is the number of grid points in the field. All fields start at month 1 of the prediction. PARAMETERS ========== choice: string Choice of data to be analyzed, either `test`, `validation` or `training` field: string Field to be analyzed verification: numpy array Verification data from reanalysis forecasts: numpy array Forecasts data from the network times: DateTime Time data for entire period INX: dict Dictionary with the information for the fields to be analyzed truncation: int Number of modes to be retained in the observations RETURNS ======= The routines returns arrays in the format of xarray datasets as (Np,lead,grid points) in stacked format Fcst: xarray dataset Forecast data in grid representation Obs: xarray dataset Observations data in grid representation Ver: xarray dataset Verification data in grid representation Per: xarray dataset Persistence data in grid representation ''' if (INX or params) is None: print(f'INX/dtix/params not defined') return None # Get the pattern EOF for the requested field zudat = INX[field]['udat'] # Get the `X` matrix for the field as a template -- it contains the time information XZ = INX[field]['X'].A # Length of the prediction period Tpredict = params['Tpredict'] # Length of input sequence TIN = params['TIN'] # Length of prediction training T = params['T'] # Transform the observation to gridpoint # if truncation is not None truncate to `truncation` if truncation is not None: vereof = truncation # zudat = zudat[:,:vereof] Obs = XZ.copy(data=zudat[:,:vereof]@(verification[:,:vereof].T)) print(f'Verification using truncated EOFs with {vereof} modes') Obs_for_Per = XZ.copy(data=zudat[:,:vereof]@(verification[:,:vereof].T)) print(f'Persistence using truncated EOFs with {vereof} modes') else: Obs = XZ#.copy(data=zudat@(verification.T)) print(f'Verification using entire field {Obs.shape})') Obs_for_Per = XZ.copy() print(f'Persistence using entire field {Obs_for_Per.shape}') print(f'Obs from {Obs.time[0].data} to {Obs.time[-1].data}\n') #compute template arrays match choice: case 'test': starttest = params['test_period_start'] endtest = params['test_period_end'] first_forecast = params['test_first_fcs'] last_forecast = params['test_last_fcs'] case 'validation': starttest = params['val_period_start'] endtest = params['val_period_end'] first_forecast = params['val_first_fcs'] last_forecast = params['val_last_fcs'] case 'training': starttest = 0 endtest = params['train_period_end'] first_forecast = params['train_first_fcs'] last_forecast = params['train_last_fcs'] case _: print(f'Choice {choice} not defined in {eof_to_grid.__name__}') return None # Define number of cases (forecasts) to be analyzed # Works only for TIN=1,T=1 Np =last_forecast - first_forecast print(f' Number of cases {Np}') tclock = # Align the verification data with the first foreacast day date # The last forecast is already taken into account in `test_period_end` # starttest=starttest-1 print(f'Observation selected for {choice} \n ') print(f'Obs from {Obs.time[first_forecast].data} to {Obs.time[last_forecast].data}\n') print(f'Verification for first forecast at {first_forecast} to {last_forecast}') print(f'Verification time for `{choice}` from first month forecast {tclock[first_forecast]} to {tclock[last_forecast]}') flead = np.arange(0,Tpredict+1) # Assemble arrays for verification on grid # The Observation IC start one time step before the forecast # because the forecast contains only from lead 1 to lead Tpredict # The IC for the forecast (lead=0) is empty Xoo = Obs.isel(time=slice(first_forecast-1,last_forecast+Tpredict)).drop_vars('month').transpose('time','z') Xoo_Per = Obs_for_Per.isel(time=slice(first_forecast-1,last_forecast+Tpredict)).drop_vars('month').transpose('time','z') Tmp = Obs.isel(time=slice(first_forecast-1,last_forecast-1)).expand_dims({"lead": Tpredict+1}).drop_vars('month').assign_coords({"lead": flead}).transpose('time','lead','z') kz = np.ones((Np,Tpredict+1,len(Xoo.z)) ) for i in range(Np): for j in range(Tpredict+1): kz[i,j,:] =[i+j,:] # print(f'Verification {i},{j} --> {i+j} {[i+j]}') print(f'Tmp shape {Tmp.shape}, {[0]} to {[-1]}') Ver = Tmp.copy(data=kz,deep=True) print(f'Verification shape {Ver.shape}, {[0]} to {[-1]}') # Compute forecast and consider only the `Np` forecast that fit with the Tpredict period hhh = np.einsum('ijk,lk',forecasts,INX[field]['udat']) # Keep only the `Np` cases that are within the Tpredict period kzz = np.ones((Np,Tpredict+1,len(Tmp.z)) ) kzz[:,0,:] = Xoo_Per[:Np,:].data # kz[:,0,:] for i in range(1,Tpredict+1): kzz[:,i,:] = hhh[:Np,i-1,:] Fcst = Tmp.copy(data=kzz,deep=True) print(f'Forecast shape {Fcst.shape}, {[0]} to {[-1]}') # Compute Persistence # Start from the previous time step with respect to the first forecast kzz = np.ones((Np,Tpredict+1,len(Xoo.z)) ) # Xoo = Obs_for_Per.isel(time=slice(first_forecast-1,last_forecast+Tpredict)).drop_vars('month').transpose('time','z') for i in range(Np): for j in range(Tpredict+1): kzz[i,j,:] =[i,:] Per = Tmp.copy(data=kzz,deep=True) print(f'Persistence shape {Per.shape}, {[0]} to {[-1]}') return Fcst, Ver, Per, Obs.transpose()
[docs] def matrix_rank_light(X,S): ''' Compute the rank of a matrix using the singular values PARAMETERS ========== X: numpy array Matrix to be analyzed S: numpy array Singular values of the matrix RETURNS ======= rank: int Rank of the matrix ''' rtol = max(X.shape[-2:]) * np.finfo(S.dtype).eps tol = S.max(axis=-1, keepdims=True) * rtol return np.count_nonzero(S > tol, axis=-1)