# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as _np
import scipy as _sp
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.cm
import matplotlib.pyplot
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d, Axes3D
from klus.tools import indexS2M, indexM2S
class discretization(object):
Box disretization of d-dimensional hypercubes.
def __init__(self, bounds, boxes):
Initializes box discretization object.
assert bounds.shape[0] == boxes.size
self._bounds = bounds # lower and upper bounds for intervals
self._boxes = boxes # number of boxes per dimension
self._h = _np.divide(bounds[:, 1] - bounds[:, 0], boxes) # length of interval in each direction
self._d = boxes.size # number of dimensions
def __repr__(self):
return 'Disretization of %s into %s boxes.' \
% ('x'.join(['[%.2f, %.2f]' % (self._bounds[i, 0], self._bounds[i, 1]) for i in range(self._d)]),
'x'.join(['%d' % (self._boxes[i]) for i in range(self._d)]))
def dimension(self):
Returns dimension of the domain.
return self._d
def numBoxes(self):
Returns number of boxes.
return self._boxes.prod()
def rand(self, n):
Generates n random test points in Omega.
x = _np.zeros([self._d, n])
for i in range(self._d):
x[i, :] = randb(n, self._bounds[i, :])
return x
def randPerBox(self, n):
Generates n random test points per box.
d = self._d # dimension of state space
nBoxes = self.numBoxes() # number of boxes
nTestPoints = n*nBoxes # number of all test points
x = _np.zeros([d, nTestPoints]) # for the test points
for i in range(nBoxes):
index = indexS2M(i, self._boxes) # corresponding multi-index
lb = self._bounds[:, 0] + _np.multiply(index, self._h) # lower bounds for box
ub = self._bounds[:, 0] + _np.multiply(index +1, self._h) # upper bounds for box
for mu in range(d):
x[mu, n*i:n*(i+1)] = randb(n, [lb[mu], ub[mu]])
return x
def index(self, x):
Finds corresponding index of the box that contains vector x.
mind = self.mindex(x)
if _np.any(mind == -1): return -1 # invalid index
return indexM2S(mind, self._boxes)
def mindex(self, x):
Finds corresponding multi-index of the box that contains x.
mind = -1*_np.ones(self._d, _np.int)
for i in range(self._d):
if x[i] < self._bounds[i, 0] or x[i] >= self._bounds[i, 1]:
print('Value out of bounds! Invalid box returned.')
return mind
mind[i] = _np.floor((x[i] - self._bounds[i, 0]) / self._h[i])
return mind
def midpointGrid(self):
Returns a grid given by the midpoints of the boxes.
b = self._bounds
h = self._h
d = self._d
x = []
for i in range(d):
x.append( _np.linspace(b[i, 0] + h[i]/2, b[i, 1] - h[i]/2, self._boxes[i]) )
X = _sp.meshgrid(*x, indexing = 'ij')
c = _np.zeros([d, self.numBoxes()])
for i in range(d):
c[i, :] = X[i].reshape(self.numBoxes())
return c
def plot(self, x, mode='2D'):
d = self._d
if d > 2: print('Not defined for d > 2.')
getattr(self, '_plot_%s' % d)(x, mode)
def _plot_1(self, x, mode):
c = self.midpointGrid().squeeze() # extract vector from matrix
matplotlib.pyplot.plot(c, x)
def _plot_2(self, x, mode):
c = self.midpointGrid()
X = c[0, :].reshape(self._boxes)
Y = c[1, :].reshape(self._boxes)
Z = x.reshape(self._boxes)
if mode=='2D':
matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor(X, Y, Z)
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
# ax = Axes3D(fig)
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=matplotlib.cm.coolwarm)
# fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)
# auxiliary functions
def randb(n, b):
Returns an array of n uniformly distributed random values in the interval b.
return b[0] + (b[1] - b[0])*_sp.rand(1, n)