Source code for

import numpy as _np
import os as _os
import time as _time
import as _sio
Utility Functions.

[docs] def indexS2M(sInd, dims): '''Single- to multi-index.''' return _np.array(_np.unravel_index(sInd, dims))
[docs] def indexM2S(mInd, dims): '''Multi- to single-index.''' return _np.ravel_multi_index(mInd, dims)
[docs] def printVector(x, name = None, k = 8): '''Prints the vector like Matlab.''' n = x.size c = 0 if name != None: print(name + ' = ') while c < n: print('\033[94m (columns %s through %s)\033[0m' % (c, min(c+k, n)-1)) for j in range(c, min(c+k, n)): print(f'{x[j]}') print('') c += k
[docs] def printMatrix2(x, name = None, k = 8): '''Prints the matrix like Matlab.''' m, n = x.shape c = 0 if name != None: print(name + ' = ') while c < n: print('\033[94m (columns %s through %s)\033[0m' % (c, min(c+n, k)-1)) for i in range(m): for j in range(c, min(c+n, k)): print(f'{x[i,j]}') print('') c += k
[docs] def printMatrix(x, name = None, row = 3,col=5): '''Prints the matrix like Matlab.''' if name != None: print(name + ' = ') print('\033[94m (Printing %s rows and %s column )\033[0m' % (row,col)) for ii in range(row): for jj in range(col): #print(' % 10.5f' % x[ii,jj], end = ' ') print('{0: 6.4g}'.format(x[ii,jj]),end = ' ') print('')
[docs] class Timer(object): def __init__(self, name=None): = name def __enter__(self): self.tstart = _time.time() def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if print('%s: ' %, end = '') print('%s s' % (_time.time() - self.tstart))
[docs] class matmux(object): ''' Communicate with a running Matlab session, which needs to be started via: $ tmux new -s matlab "matlab -nodesktop" ''' def __init__(self): self.cmd = 'tmux send-keys -t matlab "%s\n"' # tmux command to be augmented by Matlab code self.tmpFile = '/tmp/matmux.mat' # for exchanging variables between Python and Matlab def __call__(self, s): ''' Execute Matlab code contained in the string s, e.g.: this('X = rand(2, 4)') ''' _os.system(self.cmd % s) def __repr__(self): return 'Matlab communicator.' def _loadmat(self): self('load %s;\ndelete %s;' % (self.tmpFile, self.tmpFile)) # wait until Matlab deleted the temporary file to make sure that the variables have been # read and the file can be written again while _os.path.isfile(self.tmpFile): _time.sleep(0.05)
[docs] def exportVars(self, *args): ''' Export variables to Matlab, e.g.: x = 1 y = 2 this.exportVars('x', x, 'y', y) ''' variableDict = dict(zip(args[::2], args[1::2])) _sio.savemat(self.tmpFile, variableDict, do_compression=True) self._loadmat()
[docs] def importVars(self, *args): ''' Import variables from Matlab, e.g.: x, y = this.importVars('x', 'y') ''' self('save(\'%s\', %s)' % (self.tmpFile, ', '.join(['\'%s\'' % arg for arg in args]))) while not _os.path.isfile(self.tmpFile): # it might take a while until the file is written _time.sleep(0.05) data = _sio.loadmat(self.tmpFile, squeeze_me=True) _os.remove(self.tmpFile) # delete file again return tuple(data[arg] for arg in args)
[docs] def figure(self, i=-1): if i == -1: self('figure;') else: self('figure(%d);' % i)
[docs] def close(self, i=-1): if i == -1: self('close all;') else: self('close(%d);' % i)
[docs] def plot(self, x, y): _sio.savemat(self.tmpFile, {'x':x, 'y':y}) self._loadmat() self('plot(x, y);')
[docs] def surf(self, x, y, z): _sio.savemat(self.tmpFile, {'x':x, 'y':y, 'z':z}) self._loadmat() self("surf(x, y, z); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');")
[docs] def scatter(self, x, y, c): _sio.savemat(self.tmpFile, {'x':x, 'y':y, 'c':c}) self._loadmat() self("scatter(x, y, 100, c, '.');")
[docs] def scatter3(self, x, y, z, c): _sio.savemat(self.tmpFile, {'x':x, 'y':y, 'z':z, 'c':c}) self._loadmat() self("scatter3(x, y, z, 100, c, '.'); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');")
[docs] def pcolor(self, x, y, z): _sio.savemat(self.tmpFile, {'x':x, 'y':y, 'z':z}) self._loadmat() self('pcolor(x, y, z);')
[docs] def imagesc(self, x): _sio.savemat(self.tmpFile, {'x':x}) self._loadmat() self('imagesc(x);')
[docs] def plotDomain(self, Omega, x): d = Omega._d if d == 1: self.plot(Omega.midpointGrid().squeeze(), x) elif d == 2: c = Omega.midpointGrid() cx = c[0, :].reshape(Omega._boxes) cy = c[1, :].reshape(Omega._boxes) cz = x.reshape(Omega._boxes), cy, cz) else: print('Not defined for d > 2.')