Source code for zapata.computation

import os
from typing import (
import math
import numpy as np

import scipy.linalg as sc
import scipy.special as sp
import scipy.interpolate as spint
import scipy.signal as sig
import scipy.spatial.qhull as qhull

import random

import numpy.linalg as lin
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd

import scipy.ndimage as ndimage

import zapata.lib as lib
import as era
import klus.kernels as ker

import tqdm as tm
import mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 as tl

[docs] def zonal_var(dataset,var,season,option='LonTime',verbose=False): """ A routine to average xarray This routine will accept xarray up to four dimensions (lat,lon,pressure, time) and return the averaged arrays with compatible dimensions. Parameters ---------- dataset : Name of the dataset, ``ERA5``, ``GPCP`` var : Variable season : Month or Season. Resolved from `dat_param` option : Control Averaging - None No Averaging - 'LonTime' Longitude and Time - 'Lon' Longitude - 'Time' Time averaging verbose: Tons of Output Returns -------- average : Average. The dimension is depending on the averaging option chosen Examples -------- >>> zonal_var('ERA5','Z','JAN',option='LonTime') #Longitude and Time Average for Z from ERA5 >>> zonal_var('GPCP','TPREP','DJF',option='Time',verbose=True) # Time average """ info=era.DataGrid() lev=info[dataset][var]['level'] nlev=len(lev) xx=era.read_xarray(dataset='ERA5',var=var,level=str(lev[0]),season=season,verbose=verbose) if option == 'LonTime': zon=xr.DataArray.expand_dims(xx.mean(dim='lon').mean(dim='time'),dim='pressure').assign_coords(pressure=[lev[0]]) print(' Averaging on longitude and time ') elif option == 'Time': zon=xr.DataArray.expand_dims(xx.mean(dim='time'),dim='pressure').assign_coords(pressure=[lev[0]]) print(' Averaging on time ') elif option == 'Lon': zon=xr.DataArray.expand_dims(xx.mean(dim='lon'),dim='pressure').assign_coords(pressure=[lev[0]]) print(' Averaging on longitude ') else: zon=xr.DataArray.expand_dims(xx,dim='pressure').assign_coords(pressure=[lev[0]]) for i in tm.tnrange(1,nlev): xx=era.read_xarray(dataset='ERA5',var=var,level=str(lev[i]),season=season) if option == 'LonTime': xx1=xr.DataArray.expand_dims(xx.mean(dim='lon').mean(dim='time'),dim='pressure').assign_coords(pressure=[lev[i]]) elif option == 'Time': xx1=xr.DataArray.expand_dims(xx.mean(dim='time'),dim='pressure').assign_coords(pressure=[lev[i]]) elif option == 'Lon': xx1=xr.DataArray.expand_dims(xx.mean(dim='lon'),dim='pressure').assign_coords(pressure=[lev[i]]) else: xx1=xr.DataArray.expand_dims(xx,dim='pressure').assign_coords(pressure=[lev[i]]) zon=xr.concat([zon,xx1],dim='pressure') return zon
[docs] def smooth_xarray(X,sigma=5,order=0,mode='wrap'): """ Smooth xarray X with a gaussian filter . It uses a routine from scipy ndimage ( ``ndimage.gaussian_filter``). The filter is applied to all dimensions. See the doc page of ( ``ndimage.gaussian_filter``) for a full documentation. The filter can be used for periodic fields, then the correct setting of `mode` is 'wrap' Parameters ----------- X : Input Xarray sigma: Standard deviation for the Gaussian kernel order: Order of the smoothing, 0 is a simple convolution mode: *The mode parameter determines how the input array is extended when the filter overlaps a border. By passing a sequence of modes with length equal to the number of dimensions of the input array, different modes can be specified along each axis. Default value is ‘reflect’.* The valid values and their behaviors are as follows: * ‘reflect’ (d c b a | a b c d | d c b a) The input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. * ‘constant’ (k k k k | a b c d | k k k k) The input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with the same constant value, defined by the cval parameter. * ‘nearest’ (a a a a | a b c d | d d d d) The input is extended by replicating the last pixel. * ‘mirror’ (d c b | a b c d | c b a) The input is extended by reflecting about the center of the last pixel. * ‘wrap’ (a b c d | a b c d | a b c d) The input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. Returns -------- smooth_array: numpy array Examples -------- Smooth a X[lat,lon] array with nearest repetition in *lat* and periodicity in *lon* >>> smooth_array(X,sigma=5,order=0,mode=['nearest','wrap']) """ lat = lon = X.lon if (X.isnull()).any(): #there are NaN # TO DO temp = ndimage.gaussian_filter(X, sigma=sigma, order=order,mode=mode) else: temp = ndimage.gaussian_filter(X, sigma=sigma, order=order,mode=mode) zarray = xr.DataArray(temp,dims=('lat','lon'),coords={'lat':lat,'lon':lon}) return zarray
[docs] def anomaly(var,option='anom',freq='month'): """ Compute Anomalies according to *option* Long description here. Parameters ---------- var : xarray array to compute anomalies option : Option controlling the type of anomaly calculation ============= ========================================================== deviation Subtract the time mean of the time series deviation_std Subtract the time mean and normalize by standard deviation anom Compute anomalies from monthly climatology anomstd Compute standardized anomalies from monthly climatology ============= ========================================================== freq : Frequency of data Returns ------- anom : xarray """ # Correction for very small standard deviations TINY = 1.0e-14 frequency = 'time.' + freq if option == 'deviation': anom = var - var.mean(dim='time') elif option == 'deviation_std': anom = (var - var.mean(dim='time'))/var.std(dim='time') elif option == 'anom': clim = var.groupby(frequency).mean("time") anom = var.groupby(frequency) - clim elif option == 'anomstd': clim = var.groupby(frequency).mean("time") climstd = var.groupby(frequency).std("time") anom = xr.apply_ufunc(lambda x, m, s: (x - m) / s, var.groupby(frequency), clim, climstd + TINY) else: print(' Wrong option in `anomaly` {}'.format(option)) raise SystemExit return anom
[docs] class Xmat(): """ This class creates xarrays in vector mathematical form. The xarray is stacked along `dims` dimensions with the spatial values as column vectors and time as the number of columns. Specifying the parameter `option` as `DropNaN` will drop all the NaN values and the matrix can then be recontructed using the `expand` method. Parameters ---------- X : xarray `xarray` of at leasts two dimensions dims : Dimensions to be stacked, *Default ('lat','lon')* options : Options for Xmat creation None : Keep NaN (Default) DropNaN : Drop NaN values Attributes ---------- A : xarray Stacked matrix of type *xarray* _ntime : Length of time points _npoints : Length of spatial points _F : xarray Original matrix of type *xarray* with only NaN values Examples -------- Create a stacked data matrix along the 'lon' 'lat' dimension >>> Z = Xmat(X, dims=('lat','lon')) """ __slots__ = ('A','_F','_ntime','_npoints','_opt') def __init__( self, X, dims: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable], None] = None, option=None, ): if not dims: SystemError('Xmat needs some dimensions') self._F = xr.full_like(X,fill_value=np.nan) self._opt = option self.A = X.stack(z=dims).transpose() self._ntime = len( self._npoints = len(X.stack(z=dims) print('Created data Matrix X, stacked along dimensions {} '.format(dims)) if self._opt == 'DropNaN': self.A = self.A.dropna(dim='z') print(' Creating Matrix with Drop NaN values') def __call__(self, v ): ''' Matrix vector evaluation.''' f = self.a @ v return f def __repr__(self): ''' Printing Information ''' print(f' \n Math Data Matrix \n {self.A}\n') print(f' Shape of A numpy array {self.A.shape}') return '\n'
[docs] def expand(self): ''' Unroll Xmat matrix to xarray Examples -------- Unroll a stacked and NaN-dropped matrix `X` >>> Xlatlon = X.expand() ''' if self._opt == 'DropNaN': Aloc = self.A.unstack() self._F.loc[{'lat','lon':Aloc.lon}] = Aloc return self._F else: return self.A.unstack()
[docs] def svd(self, N=10): '''Compute SVD of Data Matrix A. The calculation is done in a way that the modes are equivalent to EOF Parameters ---------- N : Number of modes desired. If it is larger than the number of `time` levels then it is set to the maximum Returns ------- out : dictionary Dictionary including ================= ================== Pattern EOF patterns Singular_Values Singular Values Coefficient Time Coefficients Varex Variance Explained ================= ================== Examples -------- >>> out = Z.svd(N=10) ''' #Limit to maximum modes to time levels Neig = np.min([N,self._ntime]) print(f'Computing {Neig} Modes') # Prepare arrays len_modes = self._ntime u = self.A.isel(time=range(Neig)).rename({'time': 'Modes'}).assign_coords(Modes= range(Neig)) = 'Modes' #Compute modes _u,_s,_v=sc.svd(self.A,full_matrices=False) #EOF Patterns = _u[:,0:Neig] #Singular values s = xr.DataArray(_s[0:Neig], dims='Modes',coords=[np.arange(Neig)]) #Coefficients vcoeff = xr.DataArray(_v[0:Neig,:], dims=['Modes','Time'],coords=[np.arange(Neig),]) # Compute variance explained _varex = _s**2/sum(_s**2) varex = xr.DataArray(_varex[0:Neig], dims='Modes',coords=[np.arange(Neig)]) #Output out = xr.Dataset({'Pattern':u,'Singular_Values': s, 'Coefficient': vcoeff, 'Varex': varex}) return out
[docs] def corr(self,y, Dim =('time') , option = None): """ Compute correlation of data matrix `A` with index `y`. This method compute the correlation of the data matrix with an index of the same length of the `time` dimension of `A` The p-value returned by `corr` is a two-sided p-value. For a given sample with correlation coefficient r, the p-value is the probability that the absolute value of the correlation of a random sample x' and y' drawn from the population with zero correlation would be greater than or equal to the computed correlation. The algorithms is taken from scipy.stats.pearsonsr' that can be consulted for full reference Parameters ---------- y : xarray Index, should have the same dimension length `time` option : str * 'probability' _Returns the probability (p-value) that the correlation is smaller than a random sample * 'signicance' _Returns the significance level ( 1 - p-value) Returns ------- According to `option` * None corr : Correlation array * 'Probability' corr : Correlation array prob : p-value array * 'Significance' corr : Correlation array prob : Significance array Examples -------- Correlation of data matrix `Z` with `index` >>> corr = Z.corr(index) >>> corr,p = Z.corr(index,'Probability') >>> corr,s = Z.corr(index,'Significance') """ index= y - y.mean(dim=Dim) _corr = (self.A - self.A.mean(dim=Dim)).dot(index)/ \ (self.A.std(dim=Dim) * y.std(dim=Dim))/self._ntime # The p-value can be computed as # p = 2*dist.cdf(-abs(r)) # where dist is the beta distribution on [-1, 1] with shape parameters # a = b = n/2 - 1. `special.btdtr` is the CDF for the beta distribution # on [0, 1]. To use it, we make the transformation x = (r + 1)/2; the # shape parameters do not change. Then -abs(r) used in `cdf(-abs(r))` # becomes x = (-abs(r) + 1)/2 = 0.5*(1 - abs(r)). if option == 'Probability': ab = self._ntime/2 - 1 # Avoid small numerical errors in the correlation _p = np.maximum(np.minimum(, 1.0), -1.0) p = 2*sp.btdtr(ab, ab, 0.5*(1 - abs(_p))) prob = self.A.isel(time=0).copy() = p return _corr , prob elif option == 'Significance': ab = self._ntime/2 - 1 # Avoid small numerical errors in the correlation _p = np.maximum(np.minimum(, 1.0), -1.0) p = 2*sp.btdtr(ab, ab, 0.5*(1 - abs(_p))) prob = self.A.isel(time=0).copy() = 1. - p return _corr , prob else: # return only correlation return _corr
[docs] def cov(self,y, Dim =('time') ): """ Compute covariance of data matrix `A` with `index`. This method compute the correlation of the data matrix with an index of the same length of the `time` dimension of `A` Examples -------- Covariance of data matrix `Z` with `index` >>> cov = Z.cov(index) """ index= (y - y.mean(dim=Dim)) _cov = (self.A - self.A.mean(dim=Dim)).dot(index)/self._ntime return _cov
[docs] def anom(self,**kw): """ Creates anomalies. This is using the function `anomaly` from `zapata.computation` """ self.A = anomaly(self.A,**kw) return
[docs] def detrend(self,**kw): ''' Detrend data using the function scipy.signal.detrend ''' print(f'Detrending data with options --> {kw}') = sig.detrend(,**kw) return
[docs] def feature_to_input(k,num,PsiX,Proj,icstart=0.15): ''' Transform from Feature space to input space. It computes an approximate back-image for the Gaussian kernels and and exact backimage for kernels based on scalar product whose nonlinear map can be inverted. Still working on. Parameters ---------- k : Kernel Kernel to be used num : Number of RKHS vectors to transform PsiX : array (npoints,ntime) Original data defininf the kernel Proj : Projction coefficients on Feature Space icstart : Starting Value for iteration Returns ------- back_image : array(npoints, num) ''' nx,nt=PsiX.shape if nx > 10000 : print(' Vector is too large for back-image') return name = if name == 'Gaussian': # Eigenfunctions in the input space #Expand the eigenfunction in the data space # Use iteration by Scholkopf 1999 xold = np.zeros(PsiX[:,0].shape) DataEig=np.zeros([nx,num],dtype=complex) for it in range(num): xold[:]=icstart vec=Proj[:,it] conv=1 kount=0 while conv > 1.e-5: nom=0.0 den=0.0 for j in range(nt): pr=vec[j]*k(xold,PsiX[:,j]) nom=pr*PsiX[:,j] + nom den=pr + den xnew=nom/den conv = sc.norm(xnew - xold,ord=2) #print( ' Convergence/j ', conv,it) xold=xnew kount = kount + 1 if kount > 1000: print( ' Not Converged -- Convergence/j ', conv,it,kount,den) break DataEig[:,it]= xnew print( ' Convergence/num ', conv,it) elif name == 'Polynomial': #Exact method print(' Kernel ',name) print('Reconstructing Projection as (nx,nt) ', '(',nx,',',nt,')') I = np.eye(nx) xold = np.zeros(PsiX[:,0].shape) DataEig=np.zeros([nx,num],dtype=complex) G00 = ker.gramian2(PsiX,I,k) for it in range(num): print(' Vector Number ---> ',it) acc = G00 @ Proj print(acc.shape,G00.shape,Proj.shape) #for i in range(nx): # sum=0.0 # for j in range(nt): # sum = Proj[j,it]* k(PsiX[:,j],I[:,i])+sum DataEig[:,it] = (acc-k.c)**(1/k.p) else: print('Error in Reconstruction') return DataEig
[docs] def make_random_index(dskm,inda,X,arealat,arealon): ''' Generate an index from random sampling of modes It computes an index defined over an area using a random sampling of the modes Still working on. Parameters ---------- dskm: Data Set Data set containing the Koopman decomposition inda: Number of modes to be considered in the random reconstruction X: Data array with geographiucal information arealat: Latitudinal boundaries of index calculation arealon: Longitudinal boundaries of index calculation Returns ------- c: Correlation coefficient ''' iran = random.sample(list(np.arange(len(dskm.eigfun_s.modes))), int(len(inda))) mran=(dskm.eigfun_s.isel(modes=iran)@dskm.X_KM_s.isel(modes=iran)).T xran = xr.full_like(X.A,0).sel(time=X.A.time[:-1])*mran.real kran=xran.unstack().sel(lat=slice(arealat[0],arealat[1]),lon=slice(arealon[0],arealon[1])).mean(dim=('lat','lon')) # plt.plot(kran) return kran