Source code for zapata.koopman

Koopman Analysis 

Routines and methods for Koopman analysis

This module contains the tools for performing a Koopman or Perron decomposition on
time series of vector data. It is based on Klus routines in module `Klus`.

| **Koop**      Transfer Operator
| **KoopGen**   Generator Transfer Operator


>>> options = {'operator': 'Koopman', 
>>>            'kernel_choice': 'poly', 'k_shift':0.1,
>>>           'poly_shift':0,'poly_order':1,
>>>           'bandwidth': 'std',
>>>           'epsilon':1e-5,'time_data':[:-1]}
>>> KK=zkop.Koop(vdat,**options)

from distutils import file_util
import math
from tkinter.tix import Select
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity

import klus.algorithms as al
import klus.kernels as kernels
import as tools

import scipy.linalg as sc
import numpy.linalg as lin
from scipy.spatial import distance

import tabulate as tab

[docs] def choose_eig(option,ww,tol,dt): ''' Choose stable eigenvalues, either according their absolute value or according the sign of the real part Parameters ---------- ww: complex Koopman Eigenvalues option: * `one` Eigenvalues close to one in Abs less than `tol` * `stable` Real part < 0 * `unstable` Real part > 0 tol: Tolerance dt: Time interval used for the Koopman eigenvalues calculation Returns ------- ind: Index of selected eigenvalues ''' print(f'Choose eigenvalues according to option {option}') if option == 'one': ind = np.where(np.abs(1-np.abs(ww)) < tol)[0] elif option == 'stable': wlog = np.log(ww)/dt ind= np.where(wlog.real < tol )[0] elif option == 'unstable': wlog = np.log(ww)/dt ind = np.where(wlog.real > tol )[0] else: raise SystemExit(f'Wrong option {option} in Choose_eig') return ind
[docs] def reconstruct_koopman(w,phi0,v,dt,n,decode=None): ''' Linear decomposition with Koopman modes Parameters ---------- w: Koopman Generator Eigenvalues phi0: Initial values for the eigenfunctions v: Koopman modes dt: Timesteps n: Number of time steps decode: If not empty contains the array for decoding to physical space Returns ------- x: Predicted values ''' #Choose only eigenfunctions close to 1 and dimensions time_range = np.arange(n) Ntime = n try: Nmode = len(w) except: Nmode = 1 #Time Matrix D = np.zeros([Nmode,Ntime],dtype='complex') for i in range(Ntime): D[:,i] = np.exp(w*i*dt) try: Dphi = np.diag(phi0) except: Dphi = phi0 x = v.T@Dphi@D if decode is None: y = x else: y = decode@x return y.real
[docs] def check_sim(ax,X,tit,option='std'): ''' Compute scale for kernel Parameters ---------- ax : Axes for histogram plot X : Data Matrix tit : Title for histogram option: Type of scale * 'std' Standard deviation * 'median' Median Return ------ scale : float Scale required for the bandwidth ''' similarity=distance.squareform(distance.pdist(X.T ,'sqeuclidean')) if option == 'std': scale=np.std(similarity.flatten()) elif option == 'median': scale = np.median(similarity.flatten()) else: raise SystemExit(f'Wrong option {option} in check_sim') sigma = np.sqrt(scale/2) print(f'Bandwidth for normalized distances: sigma {sigma}, Option: {option}, Value = {scale}') check = np.std(distance.squareform(distance.pdist(X.T ,'sqeuclidean'))/(2*sigma**2)) print(f'Check std for normalized distances {check}') ax.hist(similarity.flatten(),200,density=True) ax.set_xlabel('Distance') ax.set_ylabel('Density') ax.set_title(tit) delta = sigma return delta
[docs] def order_w(w,option='magnitude',direction='up',tdelta=1): ''' Order Eigenvalues according to `option` Parameters ---------- option : String * 'magnitude' abs(w) * 'frequency' w.imag * 'growth' log(w).real/dt * 'ones' abs(w) closest to 1.0 * 'stable' log(w).real/dt irrespextive of sign direction : String * 'up' descending * 'down' ascending delta Sampling frequency Returns ------- w0 : Array Ordered Koopman Eigenvalues w1 : Array Ordered generator eigenvalues ind : Array Index of order for ordering Koopman modes ''' print(' Ordering Eigenvalues as ', option, ' with direction ',direction) w_cont = np.log(w)/tdelta if option == 'magnitude': ind=abs(w).argsort() elif option == 'frequency': ind=abs(w_cont.imag).argsort() elif option == 'growth': ind=w_cont.real.argsort() elif option == 'one': ind=np.abs(np.abs(w) - 1.0).argsort() elif option == 'stable': ind=abs(w_cont.real).argsort() else: print(' Error in order_w', option, direction) # Choose direction if direction == 'up': indu=ind[::-1] else: indu=ind w0=w[indu] w1=w_cont[indu] return w0,w1,indu
[docs] def expand_modes(v_o,KM_o,VM_o, vw_o,v_s,KM_s,VM_s,vw_s , \ modetype='', description='', \ X=None,file=None): ''' Expand modes into the original data shape, optionally write to disk. complex numbers are not supported by netcdf4, so we use h5netcdf with `ds.to_netcdf(file,engine="h5netcdf", invalid_netcdf=True)` Parameters ---------- v_o,KM_o,VM_o, vw_o: Arrays Original norms, Koopman Modes, Eigenfunction values, Eigenvalues v_s,KM_s,VM_s,vw_s: Arrays Ordered, norms, Koopman Modes, Eigenfunction values, Eigenvalues X: Xmat class Original data array with geographical information. file: str Name of file to be written. Optional, if `None` no file is written Returns ------- ds : Xarray Dataset Dataset with Koopman decomposition Examples -------- >>> dskm = zkop.expand_modes(v_o,KM_o,VM_o, vw_o,v_s,KM_s,VM_s,vw_s , X=X,file='filename') >>> # Read with >>> dds=xr.open_dataset('filename',engine='h5netcdf') ''' X_KM_o = xr.full_like(X.A,0,dtype='float').isel(time=slice(0,KM_o.shape[1])).rename({'time':'modes'}) = KM_o X_KM_s = xr.full_like(X.A,0,dtype='float').isel(time=slice(0,KM_s.shape[1])).rename({'time':'modes'}) = KM_s # Create Data Sets for Koopman modes ds = xr.Dataset( data_vars=dict( X_KM_o=(["x", "modes"],, X_KM_s=(["x", "modes"],, eigfun_o=(["time", "modes"],, eigfun_s=(["time", "modes"],, eigval_s=(["modes"], ), eigval_o=(["modes"], ), vnorm_o= (["modes"], ), vnorm_s= (["modes"], ), ), coords=dict( feature=(["x"], np.arange(KM_o.shape[0])), time=(["time"], np.arange(VM_o.shape[0])), modes=(["modes"], np.arange(KM_o.shape[1]) ) ), attrs=dict(type=modetype, description=description) ) if file: ds.to_netcdf(file,engine="h5netcdf", invalid_netcdf=True) return ds
[docs] def find_modes(tper,wto, vrange, **kwargs): ''' Find modes close to a specific Period `tper` within a specified `vrange` in month Parameters ---------- tper: Target Period (in years) wto: Koopman Generator Eigenvalues Also accept all other arguments for `isclose` vrange: Range (months) Returns ------- ind: Index into closest period to `tper` ''' pi2 = 2*math.pi vtol = vrange/12 print(f'Seaching for modes close to {tper} Yr periods, with range {vrange} months') near_per = np.where(np.isclose(pi2/abs(wto.imag)/12, tper,atol=vtol, **kwargs)) for i in near_per: print(f'Found modes {i}/{len(near_per[0])}, \tPeriod {pi2/wto[i].imag/12}\n') return near_per[0]
[docs] def density_estimate(data,interval=[-1,-1,400],kernel='gaussian',bw=0.05,**kwargs): ''' Compute density estimation Using kde from sklearn Parameters ---------- data: 1D array Array 1D of data to be analyzed interval: list [min,max, number_of_points] kernel: kernel for estimation (default gaussian) bw: Bandwidth for the kernel Other arguments to `kde` can be passed on Returns ------- X : Array Points where the distribution is computed points : Array Value of the distribution kde : Object The Density object Examples -------- >>> density_estimate(data,interval=[-1,-1,400],kernel='gaussian',bw=0.05) ''' Xplot = np.linspace(interval[0],interval[1],interval[2])[:, np.newaxis] vmode=np.zeros([len(data),1]) vmode[:,0] = data kde = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=bw).fit(vmode) log_dens = kde.score_samples(Xplot) points= np.exp(log_dens) return Xplot[:,0], points, kde
[docs] def one_over(y): """ Vectorized 1/x, treating x==0 manually """ x = np.array(y).astype(float) near_zero = np.isclose(y, 0) x[near_zero] = np.inf x[~near_zero] = 1. / x[~near_zero] return x
[docs] def one_over_years(y): """Vectorized 1/x, treating x==0 manually Period calculation from imaginary part of generator eigenvalues 2 pi/log(w.imag) """ x = np.array(y).astype(float) near_zero = np.isclose(y, 0) x[near_zero] = np.inf #Transform in years x[~near_zero] = 2*math.pi / x[~near_zero]/12 return x
[docs] class Koop(): """ This class creates the Koopman operator The input array is supposed to be in features/samples form The augemnted matrix is created inside Parameters ---------- vdat: array Data array with features and samples **kwargs : dict * 'operator' Choice of operator `Koopman` or `Perron` * 'deltat' Time interval between samples * 'kernel_choice' Kernel choice , `gauss`,`poly` * 'sigma' Bandwidth for Gaussian kernel * 'std' -- Standard Deviation of distances * 'median -- Median of distances * '100' -- Explicit value * 'epsilon' Regularization parameter * 'maxeig' Max number of eigenvalues to compute * 'poly_order': 1 Order of polynomial kernel * 'poly_shift':0 Shift of polynomial kernel Attributes ---------- PsiX : numpy array Reduced data matrix of type *array* PsiY : numpy array Shifted data matrix of type *array* ntime : int Number of samples or time points npoints : int Number of features or spatial points deltat : float Time interval between samples operator: str Operator chosen {'Koopman', 'Perron'} kernel_choice: object Kernel used in the estimator epsilon : float Tikhonov Regularization parameter {1e-5} sigma : float Bandwidth for Gaussian kernel maxeig : int Maximum number of eigenvalues to compute poly_order: int Order polynomial kernel poly_shift: float Shift polynomial kernel ww: array Koopman eigenvalues wwg: array Koopman generator eigenvalues cc: array Koopman eigenfunctions coefficients vv: array Koopman eigenfunction values on the samples wf: array Filtered Koopman eigenvalues wfg: array Filtered Koopman generator eigenvalues vvf: array Filtered Koopman eigenfunction values on the samples Gxx: array Kernel Matrix Gxx Gxy: array Kernel Matrix Gxy ker: object Object Kernel used time_data: Time array (optional) Examples -------- Create a Koopman operator >>> K = Koop(X, {operator: 'koopman', kernel_choice : 'gauss', sigma : 42, epsilon : 1e-5}) """ __slots__ = ('PsiX','PsiY','ntime','npoints', 'operator', 'deltat','time_data',\ 'kernel_choice','epsilon','sigma','maxeig','bandwidth',\ 'poly_order','poly_shift', 'k_shift',\ 'wf','wfg','vvf',\ 'ww','wwg','vv','cc','Gxx','Gxy','ker') def __init__( self, vdat, **kwargs ): #Set default arguments defaultOptions = {'operator': 'Koopman', 'deltat':1, 'kernel_choice' : 'gauss', 'bandwidth' : 'std', 'epsilon' : 1e-5, 'maxeig':3000, 'poly_order': 1,'poly_shift':0,'k_shift':0.0, 'time_data': None} options ={**defaultOptions, **kwargs} self.PsiX = vdat[:,:-1] '''Reduced Data matrix of type (`array`)''' self.PsiY = vdat[:,1:] '''Shifted data matrix of type (`array`)''' self.ntime = self.PsiX.shape[1] '''Number of samples or time points (`int`)''' self.npoints = self.PsiX.shape[0] '''Number of features or spatial points (`int`)''' self.deltat = 1 '''Time interval between samples (`float`)''' self.bandwidth = None '''Option Bandwidth for Gaussian kernel (`str`)''' self.sigma = None '''Bandwidth for Gaussian kernel (`float`)''' self.operator = options['operator'] '''Operator chosen (`str`) {'Koopman', 'Perron'}''' self.kernel_choice = options['kernel_choice'] '''Kernel used in the estimator (`str`)''' self.epsilon = options['epsilon'] '''Tikhonov Regularization parameter (`float`) {1e-5}''' self.maxeig = options['maxeig'] '''Maximum number of eigenvalues to compute (`int`)''' self.poly_order = options['poly_order'] '''Order polynomial kernel (`int`)''' self.poly_shift = options['poly_shift'] '''Shift polynomial kernel (`float`)''' self.k_shift = options['k_shift'] '''Shift kernel (`float`)''' if options['time_data'] is not None: self.time_data = options['time_data'] else: self.time_data = np.arange(self.ntime) '''Time array (`array`)''' print(f'Created {self.operator} Estimator \n for {self.ntime} samples and {self.npoints} features, \ {self.deltat} time interval' ) = None '''Filtered Koopman eigenvalues (`array`)''' self.wfg = None '''Filtered Koopman generator eigenvalues (`array`)''' self.vvf = None '''Filtered Koopman eigenfunction values on the samples (`array`)''' self.ww = None '''Koopman eigenvalues (`array`)''' self.wwg = None '''Koopman generator eigenvalues (`array`)''' self.vv = None '''Koopman eigenfunction values on the samples (`array`)''' = None '''Koopman eigenfunctions coefficients (`array`)''' self.Gxx = None '''Kernel Matrix Gxx (`array`)''' self.Gxy = None '''Kernel Matrix Gxy (`array`)''' self.ker = None '''Kernel used (`object`)''' def __call__(self, v ): ''' Not implemented''' print('Not implemented') return def __repr__(self): ''' Printing Information ''' print(f'Koopman Estimator for operator {self.operator} with paramenters:\n \ Kernel_choice {self.kernel_choice}\n \ Maxeig {self.maxeig}\n \ Epsilon {self.epsilon} \n ') if self.kernel_choice == 'poly': print(f' Poly_Order {self.poly_order} \n \ Poly_Shift {self.poly_shift}\n ') elif self.kernel_choice == 'gauss': print(f' Bandwidth {self.sigma}\n \ ') return '\n'
[docs] def fit(self,bandwidth=None,verbose=False): ''' Fitting estimator. Select bandwidth with `bandwidth` Parameters ---------- bandwidth: string Select the bandiwidth for the Gaussian kernel * 'std' Use bandwidth that make the distances of std 1 * 'median' Use median value of distances * '100' Use this explicit numerical value verbose: Boolean True Print Messages False No Messages (Defaults) Returns ------- ww: Eigenvalues self.wwg = np.log(ww_tot)/self.deltat: Generator Eigenvalues self.vv: Value of Eigenfunctions at samples self.Gxx: kernel matrix Gxx self.Gxy: kernel matrix Gxy self.ker: Kernel used ''' if self.operator == 'Perron': ops='P' elif self.operator =='Koopman': ops='K' else: raise ValueError('TRANSFER_OP_GAUSS: --- Wrong Operator choice ') print(' Calculating {} Operator '.format(self.operator)) self.bandwidth = bandwidth if bandwidth is None or bandwidth == 'std': similarity=distance.squareform(distance.pdist(self.PsiX.T ,'sqeuclidean')) scale=np.std(similarity.flatten()) elif bandwidth == 'median': similarity=distance.squareform(distance.pdist(self.PsiX.T ,'sqeuclidean')) scale = np.median(similarity.flatten()) else: scale = 2*(float(bandwidth))**2 self.sigma = np.sqrt(scale/2) if self.kernel_choice == 'gauss': if verbose: print(f'Using option {bandwidth} for a {scale} and sigma {self.sigma}\n') k = kernels.gaussianKernel(self.sigma) elif self.kernel_choice == 'poly': k = kernels.polynomialKernel(p=self.poly_order,c=self.poly_shift) elif self.kernel_choice == 'gaussShifted': k = kernels.gaussianKernelShifted(self.sigma, shift=self.k_shift) else: raise ValueError(f'KK_fit: --- WrongKernel choice {self.kernel_choice}') ww_tot,vv_tot,cc_eig,Am,Gxx,Gxy =al.kedmd(self.PsiX,self.PsiY, k, \ epsilon=self.epsilon, evs=self.maxeig, operator=ops,kind='kernel') if verbose: print(f'Computed Transfer Eigenvalues') print(f'Rank of Gxx Matrix {lin.matrix_rank(Gxx)} of dimension {Gxx.shape[0]}\n') self.ww = ww_tot self.wwg = np.log(ww_tot)/self.deltat self.vv = vv_tot = cc_eig self.Gxx = Gxx self.Gxy = Gxy self.ker = k return
[docs] def order(self,choice='frequency',direction='down',cut_period=3): ''' Order Eigenvalues according to `option` Parameters ---------- option: * 'magnitude' abs(w) * 'frequency' w.imag * 'growth' log(w).real/dt * 'ones' abs(w) closest to 1.0 * 'stable' log(w).real/dt irrespextive of sign direction: * 'up' descending * 'down' ascending cut_period: Eliminate modes with shorter periods (sample units) Returns ------- wf: Ordered Koopman Eigenvalues wfg: Ordered generator eigenvalues vvf: Ordered Koopman eigenfunctions ''' # cut period in (months) if cut_period is not 0: wmax = np.max(np.where(2*math.pi/self.wwg.imag > cut_period)) else: wmax = len(self.wwg.imag) _wf =self.ww[0:wmax] _vvf = self.vv[:,0:wmax] print(f'Eliminating frequency higher than {cut_period} months, \ original modes {len(self.ww)}, remaining {len(_wf)}') wf,wfg, indf = order_w(_wf,option=choice,direction=direction,tdelta=self.deltat) = wf self.wfg = wfg self.vvf = _vvf[:,indf] return wf, wfg, self.vvf
[docs] def eigone(self,ww,vv,tol=0.1,select='one',verbose=True): ''' Choose stable eigenvalues, either according their absolute value or according the sign of the real part Parameters ---------- ww: complex Koopman Eigenvalues vv: array complex Koopman eigenfunctions select: * `one` Eigenvalues close to one in Abs less than `tol` * `stable` Real part < 0 * `unstable` Real part > 0 tol: Tolerance verbose: Print Diagnostics Returns ------- ww: Selected eigenvalues vv: Selected eigenfunctions ind: Index of selected eigenvalues ''' print(f'Keeping only EI close to unity less than tol {tol}') indone = choose_eig(select,ww,tol,self.deltat) N1 = len(indone) wone = ww[indone] print(f'\n Trace of generator eigenvalues close to unity according to tolerance {tol} ---> {sum(np.log(wone))}') print(f' Factor of Phase Volume contraction {np.exp(sum(np.log(wone))):.6f} per month\n') # Order retained unitary eigenvalues and obtain generator eigenvalues 'expwr' print(f'Number of Eigenvalues found {N1} over {len(ww)} for kmode tol {tol}\n\n') # _,expwr,indexpwr = order_w(wone,option='stable',direction='down',tdelta=1) headr = ('Mode','Real Eig','Im Eig','Abs','Gen Real (Yr)','Gen Imag (Yr)') kaz_data = [(i,wone[i].real, wone[i].imag, abs(wone[i]), 1./np.log(wone[i]).real/12, 2*math.pi/np.log(wone[i]).imag/12) for i in range(min(len(wone),50))] if verbose: print(tab.tabulate(kaz_data, headr,stralign='center',tablefmt='github')) _vv = vv[:,indone] return wone,_vv,indone
[docs] def compute_modes(self,ww,vv,modetype='',description='',normalization=False): ''' Compute Koopman Modes Parameters ---------- ww: Koopman eigenvalues vv: Value of Koopman EIgenfunctions at samples modetype: Descriptive label description: Data Descritpion normalization: If `False` (Default) the eigenfunctions are not normalized, se to`True` to get Koopman modes over normalized eigenfunctions. Returns ------- ds : data set .. table:: Content for `ds` :widths: auto ====================== ============================================ Variable Description ====================== ============================================ keig(time,modes) Normalized Koopman eignfunction values at sample points kmodes(features,modes) Koopman modes periods Periods of Koopman modes eigenvalues Koopman Eigenvalues ====================== ============================================ ''' Nmodes = vv.shape[1] Ntimes = self.ntime Nfeatures = self.npoints # Normalize Koopman eigenfunctions if normalization: vvnorm = sc.norm(vv,axis=0) vnormalized = vv@np.diag(1./vvnorm) else: vnormalized = vv # The ordering is consistent with Mezic Phiinv, vrank = sc.pinv(vnormalized,return_rank=True) KMM = Phiinv@(self.PsiX.T) print(f'Computed Kmodes {KMM.shape} for {vv.shape} normalized eigenfunctions') print(f'Computed Kmodes {Nmodes} {Nfeatures} vv {Ntimes} {Nmodes} eigenfunctions') print(f'Rank of V matrix {vrank}') # Create Data Sets for Koopman modes ds = xr.Dataset( data_vars=dict( kmodes=(["x", "modes"], KMM.T), eigfun=(["time", "modes"], vnormalized), periods=(["modes"], 2*math.pi/np.log(ww).imag/12), eigval=(["modes"], ww ) ), coords=dict( feature=(["x"], np.arange(Nfeatures)), time=(["time"], self.time_data), modes=(["modes"], np.arange(Nmodes) ) ), attrs=dict(type=modetype, description=description) ) return ds
[docs] def reconstruct_koopman(self,ds,decode=None,select_modes=None): ''' Reconstruction of data from Koopman modes Parameters ---------- ds: Koopman decomposition from `compute_modes` decode: Array decoding features decode: If not empty contains the array for decoding to physical space select_modes: list If not empty reconstrut using only selected modes [2,7,4] Returns ------- data : Array Reconstructed data ''' if select_modes is None: y = ds.eigfun@ds.kmodes else: y = ds.eigfun.isel(modes=select_modes)@ds.kmodes.isel(modes=select_modes) #Check Reality if np.sum(y.imag**2) > 1.e-14: raise ValueError(f'reconstruct_koopman: --- Array not Real {np.sum(y.imag**2)}') else: y = y.real if decode is None: return y else: return
[docs] def find_norm_modes(self,KM, KE, KEI, sort='sort',decode=None,simplify_conjugates=True): ''' Compute norms of eigenfunctions eliminate complex conjugates, optionally sort in order of magnitude Parameters ---------- KM: Koopman Modes (KM) KE: Koopman Eigenfunctions (KE) KEI: Koopman EIgenvalues (KEI) sort: 'sort' -- get also sorted eigenvector in order of magnitude decode: None -- No decoding is applied, otherwise use array `decode` simplify_conjugates: If `True` only modes with imaginary part >= 0 are retained Returns ------- (vnorm, KM, VM, KEI): Koopman Modes Norms, Koopman Modes, Eigenfunctions, Eigenvalues (vnormsort, KM_sort, VM_sort, KEI_sort): Sorted Koopman Modes Norms, Koopman Modes, Eigenfunctions, Eigenvalues ''' # Eliminate complex conjugates if simplify_conjugates: print(f'\n `find_norm_modes` Retain only positive frequencies or zero \n') ivar = np.where(KEI.imag >= 0) KM_single = KM[:,ivar[0]] VM_single = KE[:,ivar[0]] wti = KEI[ivar[0]] else: KM_single = KM[:,:] VM_single = KE[:,:] wti = KEI[:] if decode is None: KM_out = else: KM_out = vvar = np.diag(KM_single.T.conj() vnorm = np.sqrt(vvar) if sort == 'sort': # Sort in order of magnitude indnorm = np.argsort(vnorm)[::-1] return (vnorm,KM_out, VM_single, wti), (indnorm, vnorm[indnorm],KM_out[:,indnorm], VM_single[:,indnorm], wti[indnorm]) else: return (vnorm,KM_out, VM_single, wti)
[docs] def eigenfunction_value( self, x, mode ): ''' Compute eigenfunction value at point x Parameters ---------- x: Point at which eigenfunction is computed mode: Eigenfunction number Returns ------- eigenfunction value ''' k = self.ker f = 0 for i in range(self.ntime): f +=[i,mode]*k(x, self.PsiX[:, i]) return f
[docs] class KoopGen(): """ This class creates the Generator Koopman operator The input array is supposed to be in features/samples form The augemnted matrix is created inside Parameters ---------- vdat: array Data array with features and samples **kwargs : dict * 'operator' Choice of operator `Koopman` or `Perron` * 'deltat' Time interval between samples * 'kernel_choice' Kernel choice , `gauss`,`poly` * 'sigma' Bandwidth for Gaussian kernel * 'std' -- Standard Deviation of distances * 'median -- Median of distances * '100' -- Explicit value * 'epsilon' Regularization parameter * 'maxeig' Max number of eigenvalues to compute * 'poly_order': 1 Order of polynomial kernel * 'poly_shift':0 Shift of polynomial kernel Attributes ---------- PsiX : numpy array Reduced data matrix of type *array* PsiY : numpy array Shifted data matrix of type *array* ntime : int Number of samples or time points npoints : int Number of features or spatial points deltat : float Time interval between samples operator: str Operator chosen {'Koopman', 'Perron'} kernel_choice: object Kernel used in the estimator epsilon : float Tikhonov Regularization parameter {1e-5} sigma : float Bandwidth for Gaussian kernel maxeig : int Maximum number of eigenvalues to compute poly_order: int Order polynomial kernel poly_shift: float Shift polynomial kernel ww: array Koopman eigenvalues wwg: array Koopman generator eigenvalues vv: array Koopman eigenfunction values on the samples wf: array Filtered Koopman eigenvalues wfg: array Filtered Koopman generator eigenvalues vvf: array Filtered Koopman eigenfunction values on the samples Gxx: array Kernel Matrix Gxx Gxy: array Kernel Matrix Gxy ker: object Object Kernel used Examples -------- Create a Koopman operator >>> K = Koop(X, {operator: 'koopman', kernel_choice : 'gauss', sigma : 42, epsilon : 1e-5}) """ __slots__ = ('PsiX','PsiY','ntime','npoints', 'operator', 'deltat',\ 'kernel_choice','epsilon','sigma','maxeig','bandwidth',\ 'poly_order','poly_shift', 'k_shift',\ 'wf','wfg','vvf',\ 'ww','wwg','vv','Gxx','Gxy','ker') def __init__( self, vdat, **kwargs ): #Set default arguments defaultOptions = {'operator': 'Koopman', 'deltat':1, 'kernel_choice' : 'gauss', 'bandwidth' : 'std', 'epsilon' : 1e-5, 'maxeig':2000, 'poly_order': 1,'poly_shift':0,'k_shift':0.0} options ={**defaultOptions, **kwargs} self.PsiX = vdat[:,:-1] '''Reduced Data matrix of type (`array`)''' self.PsiY = vdat[:,1:] '''Shifted data matrix of type (`array`)''' self.ntime = self.PsiX.shape[1] '''Number of samples or time points (`int`)''' self.npoints = self.PsiX.shape[0] '''Number of features or spatial points (`int`)''' self.deltat = 1 '''Time interval between samples (`float`)''' self.bandwidth = None '''Option Bandwidth for Gaussian kernel (`str`)''' self.sigma = None '''Bandwidth for Gaussian kernel (`float`)''' self.operator = options['operator'] '''Operator chosen (`str`) {'Koopman', 'Perron'}''' self.kernel_choice = options['kernel_choice'] '''Kernel used in the estimator (`str`)''' self.epsilon = options['epsilon'] '''Tikhonov Regularization parameter (`float`) {1e-5}''' self.maxeig = options['maxeig'] '''Maximum number of eigenvalues to compute (`int`)''' self.poly_order = options['poly_order'] '''Order polynomial kernel (`int`)''' self.poly_shift = options['poly_shift'] '''Shift polynomial kernel (`float`)''' self.k_shift = options['k_shift'] '''Shift kernel (`float`)''' print(f'Created {self.operator} Estimator \n for {self.ntime} samples and {self.npoints} features, \ {self.deltat} time interval' ) = None '''Filtered Koopman eigenvalues (`array`)''' self.wfg = None '''Filtered Koopman generator eigenvalues (`array`)''' self.vvf = None '''Filtered Koopman eigenfunction values on the samples (`array`)''' self.ww = None '''Koopman eigenvalues (`array`)''' self.wwg = None '''Koopman generator eigenvalues (`array`)''' self.vv = None '''Koopman eigenfunction values on the samples (`array`)''' self.Gxx = None '''Kernel Matrix Gxx (`array`)''' self.Gxy = None '''Kernel Matrix Gxy (`array`)''' self.ker = None '''Kernel used (`object`)''' def __call__(self, v ): ''' Not implemented''' print('Not implemented') return def __repr__(self): ''' Printing Information ''' print(f'Koopman Estimator for operator {self.operator} with paramenters:\n \ Kernel_choice {self.kernel_choice}\n \ Maxeig {self.maxeig}\n \ Epsilon {self.epsilon} \n ') if self.kernel_choice == 'poly': print(f' Poly_Order {self.poly_order} \n \ Poly_Shift {self.poly_shift}\n ') elif self.kernel_choice == 'gauss': print(f' Bandwidth {self.sigma}\n \ ') return '\n'
[docs] def fit(self,bandwidth=None,derivative=None): ''' Fitting generator estimator. Select bandwidth with `bandwidth` Parameters ---------- bandwidth: string Select the bandiwidth for the Gaussian kernel * 'std' Use bandwidth that make the distances of std 1 * 'median' Use median value of distances * '100' Use this explicit numerical value derivative: array Derivative of the data to be used in the generator. If not provided, the derivative is computed. (not implemented) Returns ------- ww: Eigenvalues self.wwg = np.log(ww_tot)/self.deltat: Generator Eigenvalues self.vv: Value of Eigenfunctions at samples self.Gxx: kernel matrix Gxx self.Gxy: kernel matrix Gxy self.ker: Kernel used ''' if self.operator == 'Perron': ops='P' elif self.operator =='Koopman': ops='K' else: raise ValueError('TRANSFER_OP_GAUSS: --- Wrong Operator choice ') print(' Calculating {} Operator '.format(self.operator)) self.bandwidth = bandwidth if bandwidth is None or bandwidth == 'std': similarity=distance.squareform(distance.pdist(self.PsiX.T ,'sqeuclidean')) scale=np.std(similarity.flatten()) elif bandwidth == 'median': similarity=distance.squareform(distance.pdist(self.PsiX.T ,'sqeuclidean')) scale = np.median(similarity.flatten()) else: scale = 2*(float(bandwidth))**2 self.sigma = np.sqrt(scale/2) print(f'Using bandwidth {bandwidth} for a scale of {scale} and sigma {self.sigma}\n') if self.kernel_choice == 'gauss': k = kernels.gaussianKernel(self.sigma) elif self.kernel_choice == 'poly': k = kernels.polynomialKernel(p=self.poly_order,c=self.poly_shift) elif self.kernel_choice == 'gaussShifted': k = kernels.gaussianKernelShifted(self.sigma, shift=self.k_shift) else: raise ValueError(f'KK_fit: --- WrongKernel choice {self.kernel_choice}') if derivative is not None: self.PsiY = derivative else: raise ValueError(f'KK_fitgen: Provide value for Derivative {derivative}') ww_tot,vv_tot,A,Gxx,Gxy =al.kgedmd(self.PsiX,self.PsiY, k, \ epsilon=self.epsilon, evs=self.maxeig, operator=ops,kind='kernel') print(f'Computed Transfer Eigenvalues') self.ww = np.exp(ww_tot*self.deltat) self.wwg = ww_tot self.vv = vv_tot self.Gxx = Gxx self.Gxy = Gxy self.ker = k return
[docs] def order(self,choice='frequency',direction='down',cut_period=3): ''' Order Eigenvalues according to `option` Parameters ---------- option: * 'magnitude' abs(w) * 'frequency' w.imag * 'growth' log(w).real/dt * 'ones' abs(w) closest to 1.0 * 'stable' log(w).real/dt irrespextive of sign direction: * 'up' descending * 'down' ascending cut_period: Eliminate modes with shorter periods (sample units) Returns ------- wf: Ordered Koopman Eigenvalues wfg: Ordered generator eigenvalues vvf: Ordered Koopman eigenfunctions ''' # cut period in (months) wmax = np.max(np.where(2*math.pi/self.wwg.imag > cut_period)) _wf =self.ww[0:wmax] _vvf = self.vv[:,0:wmax] print(f'Eliminating frequency higher than {cut_period} months, \ original modes {len(self.ww)}, remaining {len(_wf)}') wf,wfg, indf = order_w(_wf,option=choice,direction=direction,tdelta=self.deltat) = wf self.wfg = wfg self.vvf = _vvf[:,indf] return wf, wfg, self.vvf
[docs] def eigzero(self,ww,vv,tol=0.1,option='zero'): ''' Choose stable eigenvalues, either according their absolute value or according the sign of the real part Parameters ---------- ww: complex Koopman Generator Eigenvalues vv: array complex Koopman eigenfunctions select: * `zero` Eigenvalues close to zero real part less than `tol` * `stable` Real part < 0 * `unstable` Real part > 0 tol: Tolerance Returns ------- ww: Selected eigenvalues vv: Selected eigenfunctions ind: Index of selected eigenvalues ''' print(f'Keeping only EI close to zero less than tol {tol}') if option == 'zero': indone = np.where(np.isclose(ww.real,0,atol=tol))[0] elif option == 'stable': indone = np.where(ww.real < 0 )[0] elif option == 'unstable': indone = np.where(ww.real > 0 )[0] else: raise SystemExit(f'Wrong option {option} in Choose_eig') N1 = len(indone) wone = ww[indone] print(f'\n Trace of generator eigenvalues close to unity according to tolerance {tol:.5f} ---> {sum(wone):.6f}') print(f' Factor of Phase Volume contraction {sum(abs(np.exp(wone)))/len(wone):.6f} per month\n') # Order retained unitary eigenvalues and obtain generator eigenvalues 'expwr' print(f'Number of Eigenvalues found {N1} over {len(ww)} for kmode tol {tol}\n') # _,expwr,indexpwr = order_w(wone,option='stable',direction='down',tdelta=1) headr = ('Mode','Eig-Real','Eig-Imag','Gen Real (Yr)','Gen Imag (Yr)') kaz_data = [(i,wone[i].real,wone[i].imag, 1./wone[i].real/12, 2*math.pi/wone[i].imag/12) for i in range(min(len(wone),50))] print(tab.tabulate(kaz_data, headr,stralign='center',tablefmt='github')) _vv = vv[:,indone] return wone,_vv,indone
[docs] def compute_modes(self,ww,vv,modetype='',description=''): ''' Compute Koopman Modes Parameters ---------- ww: Koopman eigenvalues vv: Value of Koopman EIgenfunctions at samples modetype: Descriptive label description: Data Descritpion Returns ------- ds : data set .. table:: Content for `ds` :widths: auto ====================== ============================================ Variable Description ====================== ============================================ keig(time,modes) Koopman eignfunction values at sample points kmodes(features,modes) Koopman modes periods Periods of Koopman modes eigenvalues Koopman Eigenvalues ====================== ============================================ ''' Nmodes = vv.shape[1] Ntimes = self.ntime Nfeatures = self.npoints # The ordering is consistent with Mezic Phiinv= sc.pinv(vv) KMM = Phiinv@(self.PsiX.T) print(f'Computed Kmodes {KMM.shape} for {vv.shape} eigenfunctions') # print(f'Computed KMM {Nmodes} {Nfeatures} vv {Ntimes} {Nmodes} eigenfunctions') # Create Data Sets for Koopman modes ds = xr.Dataset( data_vars=dict( kmodes=(["x", "modes"], KMM.T), eigfun=(["time", "modes"], vv), periods=(["modes"], 2*math.pi/ww.imag/12), eigval=(["modes"], ww ) ), coords=dict( feature=(["x"], np.arange(Nfeatures)), time=(["time"], np.arange(Ntimes)), modes=(["modes"], np.arange(Nmodes) ) ), attrs=dict(type=modetype, description=description) ) return ds
[docs] def reconstruct_koopman(self,ds,decode=None,select_modes=None): ''' Reconstruction of data from Koopman modes Parameters ---------- ds: data set from `compute_modes` decode: Array decoding features decode: If not empty contains the array for decoding to physical space select_modes: list If not empty reconstrut using only selected modes [2,7,4] Returns ------- data : Array Reconstructed data ''' if select_modes is None: y = ds.eigfun@ds.kmodes else: y = ds.eigfun[:,select_modes]@ds.kmodes[:,select_modes] #Check Reality if np.sum(y.imag**2) > 1.e-14: raise ValueError('reconstruct_koopman: --- Array not Real ') else: y = y.real if decode is None: return y else: return
[docs] def find_norm_modes(self,KM, KE, KEI, sort='sort',decode=None): ''' Compute norms of eigenfunctions eliminate complex conjugates, optionally sort in order of magnitude Parameters ---------- KM: Koopman Modes (KM) KE: Koopman Eigenfunctions (KE) KEI: Koopman EIgenvalues (KEI) sort: 'sort' -- get also sorted eigenvector in order of magnitude decode: None -- No decoding is applied, otherwise use array `decode` Returns ------- (vnorm, KM, VM, KEI): Norms, Koopman Modes, Eigenfunctions, Eigenvalues (vnormsort, KM_sort, VM_sort, KEI_sort): Sorted Norms, Koopman Modes, Eigenfunctions, Eigenvalues ''' # Eliminate complex conjugates ivar = np.where(KEI.imag >= 0) KM_single = KM[:,ivar[0]] VM_single = KE[:,ivar[0]] wti = KEI[ivar[0]] if decode is None: KM_out = else: KM_out = if sort == 'sort': vvar = np.diag(KM_single.T.conj() vnorm = vvar indnorm = np.argsort(vnorm)[::-1] return (vnorm,KM_out, VM_single, wti), (vnorm[indnorm],KM_out[:,indnorm], VM_single[:,indnorm], wti[indnorm]) else: return (vnorm,KM_out, VM_single, wti)
[docs] class KEig(): ''' Class for computing eigenfunctions values from coefficients ''' __slots__ = ('k','X','n','m', 'v', 'nv','max','min','d') def __init__(self, k, X, v, nv): ''' Constructor for the eigenfunctionc objects ''' self.k = k '''Kernel ''' self.X = X '''Data matrix containing snapshots''' self.v = v '''Coefficients of eigenfunction''' self.nv = nv '''Order of the Eigenfunction''' self.n = X.shape[0] '''Dimension of state space''' self.m = X.shape[1] '''Number of snapshots''' self.max = np.amax(v[:,nv] ) '''Max of eigenfunction values''' self.min = np.amin(v[:,nv] ) '''Min of eigenfunction values''' self.d = self.max-self.min '''Distance of eigenfunction''' print(' Max {} Min {}'.format(self.max,self.min)) def __call__(self, x): ''' Function evaluation.''' f = 0 for i in range(self.m): f += self.v[i,self.nv]*self.k(x, self.X[:, i]) return f def __repr__(self): ''' Printing Information ''' print(' \n Eigenfunction for {} \n'.format(self.k)) print(' Number of Eigenfunction N={} \n'.format(self.nv)) print(' Max={}, Min={} \n'.format(self.max,self.min)) return '\n'
[docs] def fdfeval(self, x): '''Function and gradient evaluation.''' f = 0 df = np.zeros((self.d,)) for i in range(self.n): fi = self.v[i]*self.k(x, self.X[:, i]) f += fi df -= 2/(2*self.k.sigma**2)*(x - self.X[:, i])*fi return f, df
[docs] def xmax(self, fac): ''' Extract States within a certain factor from Max Inputs: fac Distance from Max Return: test the average state indv the indices of the states averaged ''' indb = self.v > self.max-self.d*fac indv =np.where(indb)[0] if len(indv) == 0: print("Error in xmax, no index found for value {}".format(fac)) return else: test=np.mean(self.X[:,indb],axis=1) print('Indices of states for Max {}'.format(indv)) return test,indv
[docs] def xmin(self, fac): ''' Extract States within a certain factor from Min Inputs: fac Distance from Max Return: test the average state indv the indices of the states averaged ''' indb = self.v < self.min+self.d*fac indv =np.where(indb)[0] if len(indv) == 0: print("Error in xmin, no index found for value {}".format(fac)) return else: test=np.mean(self.X[:,indb],axis=1) print('Indices of states for Min {}'.format(indv)) return test,indv
[docs] def xclose(self, val,tol=0.001): ''' Extract States close a certain factor from max Return: test the average state indv the indices of the states averaged ''' indb=abs(self.Gv - val) < tol indv =np.where(indb)[0] if len(indv) == 0: print("Error in xmin, no index found close to value {}".format(val)) return else: test=np.mean(self.X[:,indb],axis=1) print('Indices of states {} close to {}'.format(indv,val)) return test,indv