Source code for zapata.lib

import ipywidgets as widgets
import os
from IPython.display import IFrame,Javascript
# import pygrib
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as sc
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xarray as xr

import sys
import platform
import pkg_resources

[docs] def name_notebook(newname): ''' Change name to Jupyterlab instance ''' Javascript('document.title="{}"'.format(newname))
[docs] def get_values_from_dict(input_dict, keys): ''' Get values from dictionary `input_dict` for keys in `keys` Parameters ========== input_dict: Dictionary keys: List of keys Returns ======= List of values ''' return [input_dict[key] for key in keys if key in input_dict]
[docs] def remove_values_from_list(the_list, val): """ Remove value `val` from list `the_list`""" return [value for value in the_list if value != val]
[docs] def makename(var,lev,yy,mm,dd): """ Utility to create names for ERA5 files. """ return var + "_" + lev + "_" + str(yy) +"_"+ str(mm) + "_" + str(dd) + ".grb"
[docs] def makemm(var,lev,yy,mm): """ Utility to create names for ERA5 numpy files""" work1 = var + lev + '/' work2 = var + "_" + lev + "_" + str(yy) +"_"+ str(mm) +'_MM' + ".npy" return work1 + work2
[docs] def makefilename(dir,var,lev,yy,mm,ext): """ Generalize file name creation """ work1 = dir + '/' work2 = var + "_" + lev + "_" + str(yy) +"_"+ str(mm) + "." + ext return work1 + work2
[docs] def adddir(name,dir): """ Add `dir` directory name to `name` file""" return dir +'/' + name.split('.')[0]+'.npy'
[docs] def makedir(fndir): """Create Directory `fndir`""" try: # Create target Directory os.mkdir(fndir) print("Directory " , fndir , " Created ") except FileExistsError: print("Directory " , fndir , " already exists")
[docs] def movefile(oldfile, newdir): """Move file from `oldfile` to `newdir`""" # Move File 'oldfile' to directory 'newdir', with error control try: command =' mv ' + oldfile + ' ' + newdir print(command) os.system(command) except: print('Error in Moving Data Files... ',oldfile,' to new directory .....', newdir)
[docs] def copyfile(oldfile, newdir): """Copy file from `oldfile` to `newdir`""" # Move File 'oldfile' to directory 'newdir', with error control try: command =' cp ' + oldfile + ' ' + newdir print(command) os.system(command) except: print('Error in Copying Data Files... ',oldfile,' to new directory .....', newdir)
[docs] def chop(a,epsilon=1e-10): """Eliminate real small complex number converting to real""" check=sc.norm(a.imag) if check < epsilon: out=a.real else: out=a return out
[docs] def year2date(years,i): """ Transform index i in string date yy/mm. Rounding requires the small shift Years are obtained from np.arange(1979,2018, 1/12) """ mon=['JAN','FEB','MAR','APR','MAY','JUN','JUL','AUG','SEP','OCT','NOV','DEC'] y=str(int(years[i]+0.001)) m=np.mod(int(round((years[i]-int(years[i]))*12)),12) date = mon[m] + ' ' + y return date
[docs] def date2year(years,date): """Transform index date ['Jan' '1989' ] in index i. Years are from np.arange(1979,2018, 1/12) """ mon=['JAN','FEB','MAR','APR','MAY','JUN','JUL','AUG','SEP','OCT','NOV','DEC'] y=float(date[4:8]) m=mon.index(str(date[0:3])) index = (y-1979)*12 + m return int(index)
[docs] def putna(left,right, xar, scalar = None): ''' Put NaN in xarray according if they are laying in the interval `left,right` Parameters ========== left,right: Extremes of the interval where the values must be NaN xar : Xarray scalar : If set all entries not satisfying the condition are put equal to `scalar` Returns ======= Modified array ''' if scalar: out=scalar else: out=xar return xr.where((xar < right) & (xar > left), np.nan, out)
[docs] def go_to(dir): ''' Set Working directory Parameters ========== dir: Target directory relative to users' root directory YIELD ===== Change working directory ''' homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") print('Root Directory for Data ',homedir) #Working Directory wkdir = homedir + '/'+ dir os.chdir(wkdir) print(f'Changed working directory to {wkdir}') return wkdir
[docs] def long_string(lon,cent_lon=0): ''' Get nice formatted longitude string Parameters ========== lon: Longitude cent_lon: Central longitude for projection used Yield ===== string in nice format ''' E = 'E' W = 'W' if cent_lon == 0: if lon < 0: out = str(-lon) + W elif lon > 0: out = str(lon) + E else: out = str(lon) elif cent_lon == 180: if lon > 0: out = str(lon) + W elif lon < 0: out = str(-lon) + E else: out = str(lon) else: SystemError(f'Error in longitude string cent_lon {cent_lon} ') return out
[docs] def lat_string(lat): ''' Get nice formatted latitude string Parameters ========== lat: Latitude Yield ===== string in nice format ''' if lat < 0: out = str(-lat) + 'S' elif lat > 0: out = str(lat) + 'N' else: out = 'Equator' return out
[docs] def get_environment_info(option): ''' Get information about the Python environment Parameters ========== option: String Options are: 'interpreter': Get the path of the Python interpreter 'version': Get the Python version 'packages': Get the list of installed packages Returns ======= Information about the Python environment ''' python_executable = sys.executable python_version = platform.python_version() installed_packages = sorted([(d.project_name, d.version) for d in pkg_resources.working_set]) match option: case 'interpreter': return python_executable case 'version': return python_version case 'packages': return installed_packages case 'all': return python_executable, python_version, installed_packages case _: print('Choose an option: interpreter, version, packages, all') return