AIModels.UtilPlot module

Auxiliary Plotting routines

Plotting routines for verification of the forecasts.


AIModels.UtilPlot.Single_Forecast_plots(F, V, field, level, cont, timestart, world_projection='Atlantic', maxtime=3, stride=1, colorbars=True, title='', mainlabel='', arealatz=None, arealonz=None, centlon=0, labfile=None)[source]

Make verification plots for the field field and level level for the dataset F and V. Plots are made in two column of maxtime rows each.

  • F (xarray dataset) -- Dataset with the forecast to be analyzed

  • V (xarray dataset) -- Dataset with the verification field

  • mainlabel (string) -- Main label for the plot

  • field (string) -- Field to be analyzed

  • level (string) -- Level to be analyzed

  • timestart (string) -- Starting date for the plotting

  • maxtime (int) -- Maximum number of time steps to be plotted The number of rows will be determined by this number

  • stride (int) -- Stride for the plotting

  • title (string) -- Title for the plot

  • cont --

    • [cmin,cmax,cinc] fixed increment from cmin to cmax step cinc

    • [ c1,c2, ..., cn] fixed contours at [ c1,c2, ..., cn]

    • n n contours

    • [] automatic choice

  • arealatz (numpy array) -- Latitude limits of the field

  • arealonz (numpy array) -- Longitude limits of the field

  • centlon (float) -- Central longitude

  • labfile (string) -- Name of the file to be written

Return type:


AIModels.UtilPlot.many_plots(F, field, level, cont, timestart, title='', mainlabel='', mode='time', lead=0, ncols=2, nrows=3, arealatz=None, arealonz=None, centlon=0, labfile=None)[source]

Make many plots for the field field and level level for the dataset F. Plots are made in rows and columns according to ncol and nrows.

  • F (xarray dataset) -- Dataset with the field to be analyzed

  • mainlabel (string) -- Main label for the plot

  • field (string) -- Field to be analyzed

  • level (string) -- Level to be analyzed

  • timestart (string) -- Starting date for the plotting

  • title (string) -- Title for the plot

  • lead (int) -- Lead time for the plotting

  • ncols (int) -- Number of columns for the plotting

  • nrows (int) -- Number of rows for the plotting

  • cont --

    • [cmin,cmax,cinc] fixed increment from cmin to cmax step cinc

    • [ c1,c2, ..., cn] fixed contours at [ c1,c2, ..., cn]

    • n n contours

    • [] automatic choice

  • arealatz (numpy array) -- Latitude limits of the field

  • arealonz (numpy array) -- Longitude limits of the field

  • centlon (float) -- Central longitude

  • labfile (string) -- Name of the file to be written

Return type:


AIModels.UtilPlot.Forecast_plots(F, V, D, field, level, cont, timestart, leads=None, figsize=(12, 8), world_projection='Atlantic', colorbars=True, title='', mainlabel='', picturelabels=None, arealatz=None, arealonz=None, centlon=0, labfile=None)[source]

Make verification plots for the field field and level level for the dataset F and V. Plots are made in two column of maxtime rows each.

  • F (xarray dataset) -- Dataset with the forecast to be analyzed

  • V (xarray dataset) -- Dataset with the verification field

  • D (xarray dataset) -- Dataset with the deterministic forecast

  • figsize (tuple) -- Size of the figure

  • world_projection (string) -- World Projection for the plot

  • mainlabel (string) -- Main label for the plot

  • picturelabels (namedtuple) -- List of labels for the pictures

  • field (string) -- Field to be analyzed

  • level (string) -- Level to be analyzed

  • timestart (string) -- Starting date for the plotting

  • column (int) -- Number of columns for the plotting

  • leads (list(int)) -- List of lead time to be plotted

  • title (string) -- Title for the plot

  • cont --

    • [cmin,cmax,cinc] fixed increment from cmin to cmax step cinc

    • [ c1,c2, ..., cn] fixed contours at [ c1,c2, ..., cn]

    • n n contours

    • [] automatic choice

  • arealatz (numpy array) -- Latitude limits of the field

  • arealonz (numpy array) -- Longitude limits of the field

  • centlon (float) -- Central longitude

  • labfile (string) -- Name of the file to be written

Return type:


AIModels.UtilPlot.advance_date(date, months)[source]

Advance a date by a number of months

  • date (string) -- Date to be advanced

  • months (int) -- Number of months to be advanced


newdate -- Advanced date

Return type:
