Source code for AIModels.UtilPlot

Auxiliary Plotting routines

Plotting routines for verification of the forecasts.


import os,sys
import math
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as lin  
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd

import as crs

import scipy.linalg as sc

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import datetime

# import torch
# import torch.nn as nn
# import torch.optim as optim
# from import Dataset, DataLoader
# import torch.nn.functional as F
# import transformers as tr
# from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler

import zapata.computation as zcom
import as zd
import zapata.lib as zlib
import zapata.mapping as zmap
import zapata.koopman as zkop
import AIModels.AIClasses as zaic

[docs] def Single_Forecast_plots( F, V, field, level, cont, timestart, world_projection='Atlantic', maxtime=3, stride = 1,colorbars=True,\ title='', mainlabel='', arealatz=None, arealonz=None, centlon=0,labfile=None): ''' Make verification plots for the field `field` and level `level` for the dataset `F` and `V`. Plots are made in two column of `maxtime` rows each. Parameters ========== F: xarray dataset Dataset with the forecast to be analyzed V: xarray dataset Dataset with the verification field mainlabel: string Main label for the plot field: string Field to be analyzed level: string Level to be analyzed timestart: string Starting date for the plotting maxtime: int Maximum number of time steps to be plotted The number of rows will be determined by this number stride: int Stride for the plotting title: string Title for the plot cont : * [cmin,cmax,cinc] fixed increment from cmin to cmax step cinc * [ c1,c2, ..., cn] fixed contours at [ c1,c2, ..., cn] * n n contours * [] automatic choice arealatz: numpy array Latitude limits of the field arealonz: numpy array Longitude limits of the field centlon: float Central longitude labfile: string Name of the file to be written Returns ======= None ''' label1 = mainlabel + field if level is None else mainlabel + field + level index = int(np.where(F['time'] == pd.Timestamp(timestart))[0]) iv = index - 1 print(f'Plotting for time {F.time[iv].data} a total of {maxtime} time steps') nrows = int(maxtime/stride) figy = 4*(nrows-3) + 8 fig_index = np.arange(0,maxtime,stride,dtype=np.int32) fig,ax,pro=zmap.init_figure(nrows,2,world_projection, constrained_layout=False, figsize=(12,figy) ) for i in range(len(fig_index)): label12 = str(F.time[iv+fig_index[i]].data)[0:10] label13 = f'Forecast Lead {fig_index[i]}' out=zmap.xmap(F.isel(time=index,lead=fig_index[i]).unstack(),cont, pro, ax=ax[i,0],refline=None, c_format='{:4.2f}',data_cent_lon=centlon,\ xlimit=(arealonz[0],arealonz[1]),ylimit=(arealatz[1],arealatz[0]), custom=True, title={'maintitle':label1, 'lefttitle':label12,'righttitle':label13},cmap='seismic',contour=False) = False if colorbars: zmap.add_colorbar(fig, out.handles['filled'], ax[i,0], label_size=10,edges=True) label13 = f'Verification Lead {fig_index[i]}' out2=zmap.xmap(V.isel(time=index,lead=fig_index[i]).unstack(),cont, pro, ax=ax[i,1],refline=None, c_format='{:4.2f}',data_cent_lon=centlon,\ xlimit=(arealonz[0],arealonz[1]),ylimit=(arealatz[1],arealatz[0]), custom=True, title={'maintitle':label1, 'lefttitle':label12,'righttitle':label13},cmap='seismic',contour=False) = False if colorbars: zmap.add_colorbar(fig, out2.handles['filled'], ax[i,1], label_size=10,edges=True) if not colorbars: # Create an axis on the bottom of the figure for the colorbar cax = fig.add_axes([0.25, 0.05, 0.5, 0.015]) # Create a colorbar based on the second image cbar = fig.colorbar(out.handles['filled'], cax=cax, orientation='horizontal') # cbar.set_label('Colorbar Label') plt.suptitle(title,fontsize=20) if labfile is not None: plt.savefig(labfile, orientation='landscape', format='pdf') fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05,hspace=0.0001) return
[docs] def many_plots( F, field, level, cont, timestart, title='', mainlabel='', mode='time', lead=0, ncols=2, nrows=3, arealatz=None, arealonz=None, centlon=0,labfile=None): ''' Make many plots for the field `field` and level `level` for the dataset `F`. Plots are made in rows and columns according to `ncol` and `nrows`. Parameters ========== F: xarray dataset Dataset with the field to be analyzed mainlabel: string Main label for the plot field: string Field to be analyzed level: string Level to be analyzed timestart: string Starting date for the plotting title: string Title for the plot lead: int Lead time for the plotting ncols: int Number of columns for the plotting nrows: int Number of rows for the plotting cont : * [cmin,cmax,cinc] fixed increment from cmin to cmax step cinc * [ c1,c2, ..., cn] fixed contours at [ c1,c2, ..., cn] * n n contours * [] automatic choice arealatz: numpy array Latitude limits of the field arealonz: numpy array Longitude limits of the field centlon: float Central longitude labfile: string Name of the file to be written Returns ======= None ''' label1 = mainlabel + field + level index = int(np.where(F['time'] == pd.Timestamp(timestart))[0]) iv = index - 1 + lead if mode == 'time': print(f'Plotting for time {F.time[iv].data} and lead {lead}') elif mode == 'lead': lead = -1 print(f'Plotting all leads for time {F.time[index].data}') else: print(f'No mode {mode} defined') return None fig,ax,pro=zmap.init_figure(nrows,ncols,'Atlantic', constrained_layout=False, figsize=(24,12) ) for i in range(nrows): for j in range(ncols): if mode == 'time': iv += 1 label12 = str(F.time[iv].data)[0:10] elif mode == 'lead': lead += 1 label12 = str(F.time[iv+lead].data)[0:10] else: return None label13 = f'Lead {lead}' handle=zmap.xmap(F.isel(time=iv,lead=lead).unstack(),cont, pro, ax=ax[i,j],refline=None, c_format='{:4.2f}',data_cent_lon=centlon,\ xlimit=(arealonz[0],arealonz[1]),ylimit=(arealatz[1],arealatz[0]), title={'maintitle':label1, 'lefttitle':label12,'righttitle':label13},cmap='coolwarm',contour=False) zmap.add_colorbar(fig, handle['filled'], ax[i,j], label_size=10,edges=True) plt.suptitle(title,fontsize=20) # fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1,hspace=0.1) if labfile is not None: plt.savefig(labfile, orientation='landscape', format='pdf') return
[docs] def Forecast_plots( F, V, D, field, level, cont, timestart, leads=None,\ figsize=(12,8), world_projection='Atlantic',\ colorbars=True, title='', mainlabel='', picturelabels=None, arealatz=None, arealonz=None, centlon=0,labfile=None): ''' Make verification plots for the field `field` and level `level` for the dataset `F` and `V`. Plots are made in two column of `maxtime` rows each. Parameters ========== F: xarray dataset Dataset with the forecast to be analyzed V: xarray dataset Dataset with the verification field D: xarray dataset Dataset with the deterministic forecast figsize: tuple Size of the figure world_projection: string World Projection for the plot mainlabel: string Main label for the plot picturelabels:namedtuple List of labels for the pictures field: string Field to be analyzed level: string Level to be analyzed timestart: string Starting date for the plotting column: int Number of columns for the plotting leads: list(int) List of lead time to be plotted title: string Title for the plot cont : * [cmin,cmax,cinc] fixed increment from cmin to cmax step cinc * [ c1,c2, ..., cn] fixed contours at [ c1,c2, ..., cn] * n n contours * [] automatic choice arealatz: numpy array Latitude limits of the field arealonz: numpy array Longitude limits of the field centlon: float Central longitude labfile: string Name of the file to be written Returns ======= None ''' column = len(leads) label1 = mainlabel + field if level is None else mainlabel + field + level index = int(np.where(F['time'] == pd.Timestamp(timestart))[0]) iv = index - 1 print(f'Plotting for time {F.time[iv].data} a total of {len(leads)} lead times') _,dyntime,_ = D.shape print(f'dynamic time {dyntime}') fig,ax,pro=zmap.init_figure(3,column,world_projection, constrained_layout=False, figsize=figsize ) for k, i in zip(range(len(leads)), leads): label12 = str(advance_date(V.time[iv].data[()],i))[0:10] label13 = f'Forecast Lead {i}, {picturelabels[0][k]}' if picturelabels is not None else f'Forecast Lead {i}' out=zmap.xmap(F.isel(time=index,lead=i).unstack(),cont, pro, ax=ax[1,k],refline=None, c_format='{:4.2f}',data_cent_lon=centlon,\ xlimit=(arealonz[0],arealonz[1]),ylimit=(arealatz[1],arealatz[0]), custom=True, title={'maintitle':label1, 'lefttitle':label12,'righttitle':label13},cmap='seismic',contour=False) out = _fix_labels(out,k,column) if colorbars: zmap.add_colorbar(fig, out.handles['filled'], ax[i,k], label_size=10,edges=True) label13 = f'Verification Lead {i}' out2=zmap.xmap(V.isel(time=index,lead=i).unstack(),cont, pro, ax=ax[2,k],refline=None, c_format='{:4.2f}',data_cent_lon=centlon,\ xlimit=(arealonz[0],arealonz[1]),ylimit=(arealatz[1],arealatz[0]), custom=True, title={'maintitle':label1, 'lefttitle':label12,'righttitle':label13},cmap='seismic',contour=False) out2 = _fix_labels(out2,k,column) if colorbars: zmap.add_colorbar(fig, out2.handles['filled'], ax[2,k], label_size=10,edges=True) if i< dyntime: label13 = f'GCM Lead {i}, {picturelabels[1][k]}' if picturelabels is not None else f'GCM Lead {i}' out3=zmap.xmap(D.isel(time=index,lead=i).unstack(),cont, pro, ax=ax[0,k],refline=None, c_format='{:4.2f}',data_cent_lon=centlon,\ xlimit=(arealonz[0],arealonz[1]),ylimit=(arealatz[1],arealatz[0]), custom=True, title={'maintitle':label1, 'lefttitle':label12,'righttitle':label13},cmap='seismic',contour=False) out3 = _fix_labels(out3,k,column) if colorbars: zmap.add_colorbar(fig, out3.handles['filled'], ax[0,k], label_size=10,edges=True) else: print(f'No GCM data for lead {i}') ax[0,k].remove() if not colorbars: # Create an axis on the bottom of the figure for the colorbar cax = fig.add_axes([0.25, 0.05, 0.5, 0.015]) # Create a colorbar based on the first image cbar = fig.colorbar(out.handles['filled'], cax=cax, orientation='horizontal') # cbar.set_label('Colorbar Label') plt.suptitle(title,fontsize=20) if labfile is not None: plt.savefig(labfile, orientation='landscape', format='pdf') fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05,hspace=0.0001) return
[docs] def advance_date(date,months): ''' Advance a date by a number of months Parameters ========== date: string Date to be advanced months: int Number of months to be advanced Returns ======= newdate: string Advanced date ''' # Convert the 'ns' datetime64 object to a pandas.Timestamp date_obj_pd = pd.Timestamp(date) # Advance the date by one month using pandas DateOffset date_next_month = date_obj_pd + pd.DateOffset(months=months) # Convert the resulting date back to numpy.datetime64 with 'D' precision date_next_month_np = np.datetime64(date_next_month, 'D') return date_next_month_np
def _fix_labels(out,k,column): ''' Fix the labels for the plot Parameters ========== out: object Object with the plot k: int Index for the column col: int Column for the plot Returns ======= None ''' = False = False if k == 0: = True elif k == column-1: = True return out