import math
import numpy as _np
from scipy.spatial import distance
Routines for observables
def identity(x):
Identity function.
return x
class monomials(object):
Computation of monomials in d dimensions.
def __init__(self, p):
The parameter p defines the maximum order of the monomials.
self.p = p
def __call__(self, x):
Evaluate all monomials of order up to p for all data points in x.
[d, m] = x.shape # d = dimension of state space, m = number of test points
c = allMonomialPowers(d, self.p) # matrix containing all powers for the monomials
n = c.shape[1] # number of monomials
y = _np.ones([n, m])
for i in range(n):
for j in range(d):
y[i, :] = y[i, :] * _np.power(x[j, :], c[j, i])
return y
def diff(self, x):
Compute partial derivatives for all data points in x.
[d, m] = x.shape # d = dimension of state space, m = number of test points
c = allMonomialPowers(d, self.p) # matrix containing all powers for the monomials
n = c.shape[1] # number of monomials
y = _np.zeros([n, d, m])
for i in range(n): # for all monomials
for j in range(d): # for all dimensions
e = c[:, i].copy() # exponents of ith monomial
a = e[j]
e[j] = e[j] - 1 # derivative w.r.t. j
if _np.any(e < 0):
continue # nothing to do, already zero
y[i, j, :] = a*_np.ones([1, m])
for k in range(d):
y[i, j, :] = y[i, j, :] * _np.power(x[k, :], e[k])
return y
def ddiff(self, x):
Compute second order derivatives for all data points in x.
[d, m] = x.shape # d = dimension of state space, m = number of test points
c = allMonomialPowers(d, self.p) # matrix containing all powers for the monomials
n = c.shape[1] # number of monomials
y = _np.zeros([n, d, d, m])
for i in range(n): # for all monomials
for j1 in range(d): # for all dimensions
for j2 in range(d): # for all dimensions
e = c[:, i].copy() # exponents of ith monomial
a = e[j1]
e[j1] = e[j1] - 1 # derivative w.r.t. j1
a *= e[j2];
e[j2] = e[j2] - 1 # derivative w.r.t. j2
if _np.any(e < 0):
continue # nothing to do, already zero
y[i, j1, j2, :] = a*_np.ones([1, m])
for k in range(d):
y[i, j1, j2, :] = y[i, j1, j2, :] * _np.power(x[k, :], e[k])
return y
def __repr__(self):
return 'Monomials of order up to %d.' % self.p
def display(self, alpha, d, name = None, eps = 1e-6):
Display the polynomial with coefficients alpha.
c = allMonomialPowers(d, self.p) # matrix containing all powers for the monomials
if name != None: print(name + ' = ', end = '')
ind, = _np.where(abs(alpha) > eps)
k = ind.shape[0]
if k == 0: # no nonzero coefficients
for i in range(k):
if i == 0:
print('%.5f' % alpha[ind[i]], end = '')
if alpha[ind[i]] > 0:
print(' + %.5f' % alpha[ind[i]], end = '')
print(' - %.5f' % -alpha[ind[i]], end = '')
self._displayMonomial(c[:, ind[i]])
def _displayMonomial(self, p):
d = p.shape[0]
if _np.all(p == 0):
print('1', end = '')
for j in range(d):
if p[j] == 0:
if p[j] == 1:
print(' x_%d' % (j+1), end = '')
print(' x_%d^%d' % (j+1, p[j]), end = '')
class indicators(object):
Indicator functions for box discretization Omega.
def __init__(self, Omega):
self.Omega = Omega
def __call__(self, x):
[d, m] = x.shape # d = dimension of state space, m = number of test points
n = self.Omega.numBoxes()
y = _np.zeros([n, m])
for i in range(m):
ind = self.Omega.index(x[:, i])
if ind == -1:
y[ind, i] = 1
return y
def __repr__(self):
return 'Indicator functions for box discretization.'
class gaussians(object):
Gaussians whose centers are the centers of the box discretization Omega.
sigma: width of Gaussians
def __init__(self, Omega, sigma=1):
self.Omega = Omega
self.sigma = sigma
def __call__(self, x):
Evaluate Gaussians for all data points in x.
c = self.Omega.midpointGrid()
D = distance.cdist(c.T, x.T, 'sqeuclidean')
y = _np.exp(-1/(2*self.sigma**2)*D)
return y
def diff(self, x):
Compute partial derivatives for all data points in x.
[d, m] = x.shape # d = dimension of state space, m = number of test points
n = self.Omega.numBoxes() # number of basis functions
c = self.Omega.midpointGrid()
D = distance.cdist(c.T, x.T, 'sqeuclidean')
y = _np.zeros([n, d, m])
for i in range(n): # for all Gaussians
for j in range(d): # for all dimensions
y[i, j, :] = -2/(2*self.sigma**2) * (x[j, :] - c[j, i]) * _np.exp(-1/(2*self.sigma**2)*D[i, :])
return y
def ddiff(self, x):
Compute second order derivatives for all data points in x.
[d, m] = x.shape # d = dimension of state space, m = number of test points
n = self.Omega.numBoxes() # number of basis functions
c = self.Omega.midpointGrid()
D = distance.cdist(c.T, x.T, 'sqeuclidean')
y = _np.zeros([n, d, d, m])
for i in range(n): # for all monomials
for j1 in range(d): # for all dimensions
for j2 in range(d): # for all dimensions
if j1 == j2:
y[i, j1, j2, :] = ( -2/(2*self.sigma**2) + 4/(4*self.sigma**4) * (x[j1, :] - c[j1, i])**2 ) * _np.exp(-1/(2*self.sigma**2)*D[i, :])
y[i, j1, j2, :] = ( 4/(4*self.sigma**4) * (x[j1, :] - c[j1, i]) * (x[j2, :] - c[j2, i]) ) * _np.exp(-1/(2*self.sigma**2)*D[i, :])
return y
def __repr__(self):
return 'Gaussian functions for box discretization with bandwidth %f.' % self.sigma
# auxiliary functions
def nchoosek(n, k):
Computes binomial coefficients.
return math.factorial(n)//math.factorial(k)//math.factorial(n-k) # integer division operator
def nextMonomialPowers(x):
Returns powers for the next monomial. Implementation based on John Burkardt's MONOMIAL toolbox, see
m = len(x)
j = 0
for i in range(1, m): # find the first index j > 1 s.t. x[j] > 0
if x[i] > 0:
j = i
if j == 0:
t = x[0]
x[0] = 0
x[m - 1] = t + 1
elif j < m - 1:
x[j] = x[j] - 1
t = x[0] + 1
x[0] = 0
x[j-1] = x[j-1] + t
elif j == m - 1:
t = x[0]
x[0] = 0
x[j - 1] = t + 1
x[j] = x[j] - 1
return x
def allMonomialPowers(d, p):
All monomials in d dimensions of order up to p.
# Example: For d = 3 and p = 2, we obtain
# [[ 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0]
# [ 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 0]
# [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2]]
n = nchoosek(p + d, p) # number of monomials
x = _np.zeros(d) # vector containing powers for the monomials, initially zero
c = _np.zeros([d, n]) # matrix containing all powers for the monomials
for i in range(1, n):
c[:, i] = nextMonomialPowers(x)
c = _np.flipud(c) # flip array in the up/down direction
return c