Source code for zapata.mapping

Contouring, stremlines and vector plots

Latitude-Longitude Plotting 
A set of routines for horizontal plotting

**xmap, xsmap, xstmap, vecmap**

Zonal Plotting
These routine split zonal sections in pressures and latitude.

**zonal_plot, zonal_stream_plot, ocean_section_plot**

**choose_contour, add_colorbar, make_ticks, set_title_and_labels**

Detailed Description:

import math as mp
from operator import is_
from collections import namedtuple
import as car
import cartopy.util as utl

from scipy import integrate
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import matplotlib.path as mpath

# Set tight bounding box
plt.rcParams["savefig.bbox"] = 'tight'
# Set True Type Fonts
#plt.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42
#plt.rcParams['ps.fonttype'] = 42

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

import cartopy.mpl.ticker as ctick
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
from cartopy.mpl.ticker import (LongitudeFormatter, LatitudeFormatter)
import as era
import zapata.computation as zcom
import zapata.lib as zlib

import mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 as tl

import docrep
# Uses DOCREP for avoiding copying docstring, contrary to the docs delete works
# only on one param at the time.

d = docrep.DocstringProcessor()

[docs] def init_figure(rows,cols,proview,constrained_layout=True,figsize=(16,8),**kwargs): """ Initialization for the entire figure, choose projection and number of panels. Parameters ---------- rows : Number of rows in multiple picture cols : Number of columns in multiple picture figsize : Size of figure in inches (height, width) proview : Projection for the map * String: - *"Pacific"*, cartopy PlateCarree, central longitude 180 - *"Atlantic"*, cartopy PlateCarree, central longitude 0 - *"NHStereoEurope"*, NH Stereo, central longitude 0 - *"NHStereoAmerica"*, NH Stereo, central longitude 90 - *"SHStereoAfrica"*, NH Stereo, central longitude 0 - *"RobPacific"*, Robinson, central longitude 180 - *"RobAtlantic"*, Robinson, central longitude 0 * Dictionary: For projections requiring more parameters. The first element in the dictionary is the name of the projection followed by the parameters required - projection: 'Satellite': - centlon: Central Longitude - centlat: Central Latitude - height: Altitude of the view (m) constrained_layout : True/False Returns ------- fig : handle Dictionary with matplotlib-like info on the plot ax : axes Axes of the panels pro : projection Projection chosen """ # Choose Projection projection = choose_projection(proview) fig, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols,figsize=figsize, constrained_layout=constrained_layout , \ subplot_kw={ "projection": projection},**kwargs) print(' Opening figure , %i rows and %i cols \n' % (rows,cols)) return fig,ax,projection
[docs] def choose_projection(proview): ''' Auxiliary routine to select projection Parameters ---------- proview : Projection for the map * String: - *"Pacific"*, cartopy PlateCarree, central longitude 180 - *"Atlantic"*, cartopy PlateCarree, central longitude 0 - *"NHStereoEurope"*, NH Stereo, central longitude 0 - *"NHStereoAmerica"*, NH Stereo, central longitude 90 - *"SHStereoAfrica"*, NH Stereo, central longitude 0 - *"RobPacific"*, Robinson, central longitude 180 - *"RobAtlantic"*, Robinson, central longitude 0 * Dictionary: For projections requiring more parameters. The first element in the dictionary is the name of the projection followed by the parameters required - projection: 'Satellite': - centlon: Central Longitude - centlat: Central Latitude - height: Altitude of the view (m) Returns ------- projection : Projection object ''' #Defaults for Satellite default_satellite = {'centlon': 0.0, 'centlat': 0.0, 'z': 35785831} # This fixes the projection for the mapping: # Data Projection is then fixed in mapping routine # Select Projection parameters if isinstance(proview,str): match proview: case 'Pacific': projection = car.PlateCarree(central_longitude=180.) case 'Atlantic': projection = car.PlateCarree(central_longitude=0.) case 'NHStereoEurope': projection = car.NorthPolarStereo(central_longitude=0.) case 'NHStereoAmerica': projection = car.NorthPolarStereo(central_longitude=-90.) case 'SHStereoAfrica': projection = car.SouthPolarStereo(central_longitude=90.) case 'RobAtlantic': projection = car.Robinson(central_longitude=0.) case 'RobPacific': projection = car.Robinson(central_longitude=180.) case _: print(f' Error in init_figure projection {proview}') print(f'It should be one of the following: Pacific, Atlantic, NHStereoEurope, NHStereoAmerica, SHStereoAfrica, RobAtlantic, RobPacific') elif isinstance(proview,dict): temp = { **default_satellite,**proview} print(temp['z']) if temp['projection'] == 'Satellite': # projection = car.NearsidePerspective(central_longitude=temp['centlon'],\ # central_latitude=temp['centlat'], satellite_height=['z']) projection = car.NearsidePerspective(central_longitude=temp['centlon'],\ central_latitude=temp['centlat'], satellite_height=temp['z']) else: print(' Error in init_figure projection {}'.format(proview)) raise SystemExit #Store View in projection projection.view = proview return projection
[docs] @d.get_sections(base='xmap') @d.dedent def xmap(data, cont, prol, ax=None, fill=True,contour=True, \ data_cent_lon=180, \ clabel=True, c_format = ' {:6.0f} ', \ lonlabel=None,latlabel=None,\ refline=None, \ title={}, title_style={},\ xlimit=None,ylimit=None,\ cyclic=False,\ colorbar=False,cmap='coolwarm',\ coasts=True,color_land='lightgray',\ quiet=True, custom=False,\ label_style={}): """ Mapping function based on cartopy and matplotlib. The data is supposed to be on a Plate (lat-lon) projection and the central longitude can be defined via the paramater `data_cent_lon`. The defualt is `data_cent_lon=180`, meaning that the central longitude is over the pacific. Coordinates that go from 0 to 360 implicitly assume such a Pacific central longitude. For the `Pacific` view it is assumed that the central longitude is at the daetline whereas for the `Atlantic` view the central longitude is at Greenwich. The projection needs to be established in `init_figure` Parameters ---------- field : xarray -- cyclic point added in the routine cont : * [cmin,cmax,cinc] fixed increment from cmin to cmax step cinc * [ c1,c2, ..., cn] fixed contours at [ c1,c2, ..., cn] * n n contours * [] automatic choice prol : Map Projection as initialized by init or it can be a string, one of the options in `figinit` data_cent_lon : Central longitude for the data projection latlabel: Position of Latitude grids lonlabel: Position of Longitude grids ax : Plot axis to be used fill : True/False flag to have filled contours or not contour : True/False flag to have contours or not refline : If a numeric value a single enhanced contour is plotted here clabel : True/False flag to have labelled contours or not c_format : Format for the contour labels title : dict Dictionary with the title and its subtitles * lefttitle -- Title string on the left * righttitle -- Title string on the right * maintitle -- Title string at the center title_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the title label_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the labels cmap : Colormap cyclic: True/False Add or not cylic longitude coasts: False/True Plotting or not empty coastlines color_land: if coasts=False, use color_land for land xlimit: Longitude limits of the map, if not set they are derived from the data. The projection used is the geographical projection `pro` ylimit: Latitude limits of the map, if not set they are derived from the data. The projection used is the geographical projection `pro` quiet: (False) Suppress all output custom: (False) Return a named tuple with full detail on the plot, including handles, gl etc... Returns ------- handle : Dictionary with matplotlib-like info on the plot """ #Set default arguments defaultGridLabels = { "fontsize": 12, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitleStyle = { "fontsize": 14, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitle = { 'lefttitle':'','righttitle':'','maintitle':'' } defaultLatLabel = [-60.,-30.,0.,30.,60.] defaultLonLabel = np.arange(-180,181,30) if label_style is not None: opt_label = label_style else: opt_label = defaultGridLabels if title is not None: title_text = title else: title_text = defaultTitle if title_style is not None: opt_title = title_style else: opt_title = defaultTitleStyle if latlabel is not None: opt_latlabel = latlabel else: opt_latlabel = defaultLatLabel if lonlabel is not None: opt_lonlabel = lonlabel else: opt_lonlabel = defaultLonLabel #Projection if isinstance(prol,str): pro = choose_projection(prol) ax.projection = pro else: pro = prol this = pro.__class__.__name__ # Set data projection data_proj = car.PlateCarree(central_longitude=data_cent_lon) #Add Cyclic point if cyclic: data = add_cyclic_lon(data) #Eliminate extra dimensions if len(data.shape) > 2: data = data.squeeze() # Add coastlines if coasts: ax.coastlines(linewidth=0.5) else: ax.coastlines(linewidths=0.5) ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAND, facecolor=color_land) if this in ['PlateCarree']: if ylimit is None: ylim = ax.projection.y_limits else: ylim=ylimit ax.set_ylim(ylim) if xlimit is None: xlim = ax.projection.x_limits else: xlim=xlimit ax.set_xlim(xlim) elif this in ['NorthPolarStereo','SouthPolarStereo']: if xlimit is None: xlim = [np.amin(data.lon.values)-180,np.amax(data.lon.values)-180+0.001] else: xlim=xlimit if ylimit is None: match this: case 'NorthPolarStereo': ylim = [20,90] case 'SouthPolarStereo': ylim = [-90,-20] else: ylim=ylimit print(' Plotting with x limits {} '.format(xlim) ) print(' Plotting with y limits {} '.format(ylim) ) ax.set_extent(list(xlim+ylim),car.PlateCarree()) # theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) center, radius = [0.5, 0.5], 0.5 verts = np.vstack([np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]).T circle = mpath.Path(verts * radius + center) ax.set_boundary(circle, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.spines['geo'].set_linewidth(2.0) else: print(' Projection in `xmap` {}'.format(this)) if not quiet: print(' Plotting with x limits {} '.format(xlim) ) print(' Plotting with y limits {} '.format(ylim) ) #Choose Contours vmin = data.min() vmax = data.max() cc = choose_contour(vmin,vmax,cont) if not quiet: print(title) print(f'Contouring from {} to {} with {cc} contours') if cc is None: print(f'******** Constant field ***********') return None handles = dict() if fill: handles['filled'] = ax.contourf(data.lon,, data, levels=cc, cmap=cmap, transform=data_proj) if contour: handles['contours'] = ax.contour(data.lon,, data, levels=cc, \ linewidths=0.8, colors='black',transform=data_proj) if refline != None: if type(refline) is list: refs = refline else: refs = [refline] handles['refline'] = ax.contour(data.lon,, data, levels=refs, linewidths=1.0, colors='black', transform=data_proj) # Label the contours if clabel and contour: ax.clabel(handles['contours'], colors='black', inline= True, use_clabeltext=True, inline_spacing=5, fontsize=8, fmt=c_format.format ) if refline: ax.clabel(handles['refline'], colors='black', inline= True, use_clabeltext=True, inline_spacing=5, fontsize=8, fmt=c_format.format ) # Add gridlines label_style = opt_label gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, dms=True,xlabel_style=label_style, ylabel_style=label_style, \ linewidth=0.6, color='gray', alpha=1.0,linestyle='--', \ formatter_kwargs={'degree_symbol':''}) gl.right_labels = True gl.top_labels = False gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator(opt_lonlabel) gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator(opt_latlabel) set_titles_and_labels(ax,title_text,{'xlabel':'','ylabel':''},opt_title,opt_label) # Add colorbar if colorbar: # create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5% # of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.05 inch. divider = tl.make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes('right',size="2.5%", pad=0.2, axes_class=plt.Axes) ax.get_figure().colorbar(handles['filled'], cax=cax,orientation='vertical') # Choose output Output = namedtuple('Output', 'handles gl' ) if custom: return Output(handles,gl) else: return handles
[docs] @d.get_sections(base='zonal_plot') @d.dedent def zonal_plot(data,ax,cont,cmap,colorbar=True, title={}, title_style={},\ label_style={},\ refline=None): """ Zonal mapping function for xarray (lat,pressure). Parameters ---------- data : xarray -- cyclic point added in the routine (latitude, pressure) cont : * [cmin,cmax,cinc] fixed increment from cmin to cmax step cinc * [ c1,c2, ..., cn] fixed contours at [ c1,c2, ..., cn] * n n contours * [] automatic choice ax : Plot axis to be used title : dict Dictionary with the title and its subtitles * lefttitle -- Title string on the left * righttitle -- Title string on the right * maintitle -- Title string at the center title_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the title label_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the labels cmap: Colormap refline: False/True if a zero line is desired colorbar: False/True if a colorbar is desired Returns -------- handle: Dict with plot parameters Examples -------- >>> zonal_plot(data,ax,[],'BYR',colorbar=True, titel={'maintitle': 'Title', 'lefttitle': None, 'righttitle':None},refline=None) """ #Set default arguments defaultGridLabels = { "fontsize": 12, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitleStyle = { "fontsize": 14, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitle = { 'lefttitle':'','righttitle':'','maintitle':'' } opt_label = {**defaultGridLabels, **label_style} title_text = {**defaultTitle, **title} opt_title = {**defaultTitleStyle, **title_style} #Choose Contours vmin = data.min() vmax = data.max() cc = choose_contour(vmin,vmax,cont) print(f'Contouring from {} to {} with {cc} contours') handle = data.plot.contourf( ax=ax, # this is the axes we want to plot to cmap=cmap, # our special colormap levels=cc, # contour levels specified outside this function xticks=np.arange(-90, 91, 15), # nice x ticks yticks=[1000,850,700,500,300,200,100], # nice y ticks add_colorbar=colorbar, # don't add individual colorbars for each plot call add_labels=False # turn off xarray's automatic Lat, lon labels ) if refline: hc = data.plot.contour( ax=ax, levels=refline, colors="k", # note plurals in this and following kwargs linestyles="-", linewidths=1.25, add_labels=False # again turn off automatic labels ) lev=data.pressure.values nlev=len(lev) ax.set_ylim(lev[nlev-1], lev[0]) # Invert y axis ax.set_xlim(90,-90) # Invert x axis ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.FuncFormatter(_update_ticks)) # Add gridlines set_titles_and_labels(ax,title_text,{'xlabel':'Latitude','ylabel':'Pressure'},opt_title,opt_label) return handle
[docs] def zonal_stream_plot(datau, datav, ax, C=None, \ lw=1, density=2,\ title={}, title_style={},label_style={},\ colorbar=False,cscale=None, cmap='coolwarm',norm=None, \ quiet=True): """ Plot zonal streamline for fielddatu e datav. Parameters ---------- datau : xarray X component of the streamlines datav : xarray Y component of the streamlines C : Color of the stremalines ('black'). If it is xarray color the streamlines with the colormap ``cmap`` density : Density of the streamlines ax : Plot axis to be used title : dict Dictionary with the title and its subtitles * lefttitle -- Title string on the left * righttitle -- Title string on the right * maintitle -- Title string at the center title_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the title label_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the labels cmap: Colormap smooth: False/True if smoothing is desired colorbar: False/True if a colorbar is desired """ # Set default arguments defaultGridLabels = { "fontsize": 12, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitleStyle = { "fontsize": 14, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitle = { 'lefttitle':'','righttitle':'','maintitle':'' } xticks = np.arange(-90, 91, 15), # nice x ticks yticks = [1000,850,700,500,300,200,100], opt_label = {**defaultGridLabels, **label_style} title_text = {**defaultTitle, **title} opt_title = {**defaultTitleStyle, **title_style} #select color scale this = type(C).__name__ if this == 'str': color_scale=C elif this == 'DataArray': print(this) color_scale = C.interp(pressure=np.arange(100,1000,50)).data elif this == 'ndarray': color_scale=C else: color_scale='black' colorbar=False #Eliminate extra dimensions if len(datau.shape) > 2: datau = datau.squeeze() datav = datav.squeeze() #Interpolate on a pressure regular grid U=datau.interp(pressure=np.arange(100,1000,50)) V=datav.interp(pressure=np.arange(100,1000,50)) # Stream-plot the data # There is no Xarray streamplot function, yet. So need to call matplotlib.streamplot directly. Not sure why, but can't # pass xarray.DataArray objects directly: fetch NumPy arrays via 'data' attribute' hc=ax.streamplot(,,,, linewidth=1, density=density, color=color_scale, \ zorder=1,cmap=cmap ) # Label the contours # ax.clabel # handles["contour"], fontsize=8, fmt="%.0f", # Turn off decimal points # ) lev=U.pressure.values nlev=len(lev) ax.set_ylim(lev[nlev-1], lev[0]) # Invert y axis ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.FuncFormatter(_update_ticks)) # Add gridlines set_titles_and_labels(ax,title_text,{'xlabel':'Latitude','ylabel':'Pressure'},opt_title,opt_label) # Add colorbar if colorbar: # create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5% # of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.05 inch. divider = tl.make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes('right',size="2.5%", pad=0.2, axes_class=plt.Axes) ax.get_figure().colorbar(hc.lines, cax=cax,orientation='vertical') return hc
[docs] def choose_contour(vmin,vmax,cont): """ Choose contours according to length of `cont`. Parameters ----------- vmin : Max Value of the field vmax : Min Value of the field cont : * [cmin,cmax,cinc] fixed increment from cmin to cmax step cinc * [ c1,c2, ..., cn] fixed contours at [ c1,c2, ..., cn] * n n contours * [] automatic choice Returns -------- contour_levels : Levels of selected Contours Examples -------- >>> [0,1000,10] # Contours from 0 1000 >>> [0.01, 0.05, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0] # Set Contours Leves """ if len(cont) == 3: print("Setting Fixed Contours") cc=np.arange(cont[0],cont[1]+cont[2],cont[2]) print(' Contouring from ', cont[0], ' to', cont[1],' with interval ',cont[2]) elif len(cont)> 3: cc=cont print('Fixed Contours to..',cont) elif len(cont) == 1: cc=cont[0] print('Number of Contours ',cc) else: cc=10 #delta = abs( if mp.isclose(, cc = 1 print(f'Almost constant field {}, {}, one contours') else: print(f'Ten Contours automatic') return cc
[docs] def add_colorbar(fig, handle, ax, colorbar_size=0.05,label_size=10,edges=True): """ Add colorbar to plot. Parameters ----------- handle : Handle to plot ax : Axis to which to add the colorbar colorbar_size: Size of colorbar as a fraction of the axis label_size: Size of labels edges: Draw edges of the color bar """ #Check for absence of plots if handle is None: return #Eliminate overlapping labels stride = 1 if len(handle.levels) > 10: stride = int(len(handle.levels)/10) divider = tl.make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes('bottom',size="3.5%", pad=0.4, axes_class=plt.Axes) ax.get_figure().colorbar(handle, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal',\ ticks=handle.levels[::stride],fraction=colorbar_size,drawedges=edges) cax.tick_params(labelsize=label_size) return
[docs] def make_ticks(xt,dt=20,quiet=True): ''' Calculates nice tickes for the axes. Selecting 20 or 10 intervals Parameters ---------- xt : Axes limit [west, east] dt: Tick spacing Returns ------- ticks: Nice ticks position quiet: T/F get Output ''' n = (xt[1]-xt[0])/dt if not quiet: print(f' {n} Ticks set at {dt} intervals') return np.linspace(xt[0], xt[1], int(n+1))
[docs] def set_titles_and_labels(ax, title_text, label_text, opt_title,opt_label): """ Utility function to handle axis titles, left/right aligned titles. Parameters ---------- ax : Current axes to the current figure title_text : dict Dictionary with the title and its subtitles * lefttitle -- Title string on the left * righttitle -- Title string on the right * maintitle -- Title string at the center title_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the title label_text: * xlabel -- Label for the x axis * ylabel -- Label for the y axis label_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the labels """ ax.grid( linewidth=0.6, color='gray', alpha=1.0,linestyle='--') ax.set_title(title_text['lefttitle'], loc='left',**opt_label ) ax.set_title(title_text['righttitle'], loc='right',**opt_label ) ax.set_title(title_text['maintitle'], loc='center',**opt_title ) ax.set_xlabel(label_text['xlabel'], **opt_label) ax.set_ylabel(label_text['ylabel'], **opt_label) return
[docs] @d.dedent def ocean_section_plot(data,ax,cont,cmap,colorbar=True, \ fill=True,contour=True, \ clabel=True, c_format = ' {:4.0f} ', \ dxtick = 20, dytick = 10,\ title={},title_style={},label_style={},\ xlimit=None,ylimit=None,refline=None,view='Atlantic'): """ Ocean Section mapping function for xarray (`lat,lon` ,depth). Parameters ---------- data : xarray -- latitude or longitude, depth) %(zonal_plot.parameters.no_data)s fill : True/False flag to have filled contours or not contour : True/False flag to have contours or not refline : If a numeric value inlist form a single enhanced contour is pltted here clabel : True/False flag to have labelled contours or not c_format : Format for the contour labels dxtick : Tick interval for longitudes dytick : Tick interval for latitudes xlimit: x axis limits A Pacific view is obtained by giving limits in coordinae with the central longitude at Greenwich, e.g. (120,-120) will produce a shifted Pacific section ylimit: y axis limits view: Shift between `Atlantic` and `Pacific` views Returns ------- handle: Dict with plot parameters Examples -------- >>> ocean_zonal_plot(data,ax,[],'BYR',colorbar=True, maintitle=None, lefttitle=None, righttitle=None,refline=None) """ #Set default arguments defaultGridLabels = { "fontsize": 12, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitleStyle = { "fontsize": 14, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitle = { 'lefttitle':'','righttitle':'','maintitle':'' } opt_label = {**defaultGridLabels, **label_style} title_text = {**defaultTitle, **title} opt_title = {**defaultTitleStyle, **title_style} #Set a working view work = data #Choose Contours vmin = data.min() vmax = data.max() cc = choose_contour(vmin,vmax,cont) print(f'Contouring from {} to {} with {cc} contours') #Vertical levels nlev=len(lev) # Vertical ticks if lev.max() > 1500: levtick =[i for i in range(0,1000,200)] + [i for i in range(1000,5500,500)] elif lev.max() > 100: levtick =[i for i in range(0,1000,100)] else: levtick = [i for i in range(0,1000,100)] # Choose labels if 'lat' in data.dims: xlab = 'Latitude' xtick_loc = np.arange(-90,90,dytick) xtick_lab = [zlib.lat_string(i) for i in xtick_loc] elif 'lon' in data.dims: #Check longitude zero line if view == 'Pacific': #Pacific View print(f'Shifting Coordinates for Pacific View') work=work.roll(lon=-720,roll_coords=False) xlab = 'Longitude' xtick_loc = np.arange(-180,181,dxtick) dateline = int(len(xtick_loc)/2) xtick_lab = [zlib.long_string((i+180)%360) for i in xtick_loc] xtick_lab[dateline:] = [zlib.long_string(i -180) for i in xtick_loc[dateline:]] else: xlab = 'Longitude' xtick_loc = np.arange(-180,181,dxtick) xtick_lab = [zlib.long_string(i) for i in xtick_loc] else: xlab = 'Missing' handles = dict() if fill: handles['filled'] = work.plot.contourf( ax=ax, # this is the axes we want to plot to cmap=cmap, # our special colormap levels=cc, # contour levels specified outside this function xticks=xtick_loc, # nice x ticks yticks = levtick, # nice y ticks add_colorbar=colorbar, # don't add individual colorbars for each plot call add_labels=False # turn off xarray's automatic Lat, lon labels ) if contour: handles['contours'] = work.plot.contour( ax=ax, # this is the axes we want to plot to colors='black', # our special colormap linestyles="-", linewidths=0.8, levels=cc, # contour levels specified outside this function add_labels = False ) if refline: handles["refline"] = work.plot.contour( ax=ax, levels=refline, colors="k", # note plurals in this and following kwargs linestyles="-", linewidths=1.0, add_labels=False # again turn off autransform=car.Geodetic()tomatic labels ) ax.set_xticks(xtick_loc) ax.set_xticklabels(xtick_lab) # Y limits if ylimit == None : ax.set_ylim(lev[nlev-1], lev[0]) # Invert y axis else: ax.set_ylim(ylimit) #X limits if (xlimit == None) and (xlab == 'Latitude'): ax.set_xlim(90,-90) # Invert x axis elif (xlimit == None) and (xlab == 'Longitude'): ax.set_xlim(-180,180) else: ax.set_xlim(xlimit) # Label the contours if clabel and contour: ax.clabel(handles['contours'], colors='black', inline= True, use_clabeltext=True, inline_spacing=5, fontsize=8,rightside_up=True,fmt=c_format.format ) if refline: ax.clabel(handles['refline'], colors='black', inline= True, use_clabeltext=True, inline_spacing=5, fontsize=8, rightside_up=True, fmt=c_format.format ) # set bathymetry to black ax.set_facecolor('k') set_titles_and_labels(ax,title_text,{'xlabel':xlab,'ylabel':'Depth'},opt_title,opt_label) return handles
[docs] def small_map(fig,ax,cent_lon=0,lat=None, lon=None): ''' Add small map for sections. The line is drawn at one `lat` or `lon`. Parameters ========== fig: `fig` to add the small map ax: `ax` to used cent_lon: central longitude for longitude sections lat: (None) Latitude of the longitude section lon: (None) Longitude of the latitude section ''' pro = car.PlateCarree(central_longitude=cent_lon) X,Y = ax.get_position().get_points() r_ax = fig.add_axes([0.125,0.125,Y[0]/8,Y[1]/8], anchor='SW', facecolor='w',projection=pro) lim = ax.get_xlim() r_ax.set_global() if lat is not None: r_ax.plot(lim,[lat,lat],transform=pro,ls='-',color='r') if lon is not None: r_ax.plot([lon,lon],lim,transform=pro,ls='-',color='r') r_ax.coastlines(resolution='110m') r_ax.gridlines() return
[docs] def adjust_data_centlon(data,centlon_old=0, centlon_new=180.,roll_coords=False): ''' Adjust xarray to a different central longitude. The data are rolled without rolling the coordinates. Parameters ========== data: xarray xarray data to be shifed. it is assumed to have dimension `lat` and `lon` centlon_old: Original Central longitude of the data centlon_new: New central longitude of the data Returns ======= Rolled xarray ''' # Check longitude dimension if 'lon' not in data.dims: SystemError(f'Wrong dimension in `adjust_data_centlon` --> {data.dims}') #Check shift if abs(centlon_new-centlon_old) < 180: SystemError(f'Wrong dimension in `adjust_data_centlon` /n \ Actual implementation only for 180 shifts --> {centlon_new} -- {centlon_old}') print(f'Shifting from {centlon_old} to {centlon_new}') #Get shift value shift = int(data.sizes['lon']/2+1) #Roll data to new cent_lon new = data.roll(lon=int(len(data.lon)/2),roll_coords=roll_coords) return new
[docs] def lon_sect(fig, ax, field, lon_sec,labelR=[],maintit=[],lmax=1000, xl=None,cmap='coolwarm', \ contour=True,levels=[], sharp=0., **kw): ''' Latitude section at a fixed longitude. This routine performs a section at the chosen longutude. The `sharpness` of he section is controlled by the parameter `sharp`. A `sharp = 0` indicates a precise section at the nominal longitude, where any value different from zero will result in average on an interval of length 2*sharpness centered at the longitude. Parameters ========== fig: Figure to be used ax : Plot axis to be used field: xarray Data to be plotted lon_sec: Longitude of the section lmax: Maximum depth of the section xl: Extent of the section cmap: colormap contour: True/false for having contours levels: Contour Levels ( see `choose_contour`) sharp: positive float Semi-width of the averaging interval around the section. The average ignore NaN and therefore small features can be lost in the averaging. labelR: Label ont he top roght of the plot maintit: Main title Returns ======= handle: handle to the plot ''' #lon_sec = -140 lev_min = 0 lev_max = lmax # label2= zlib.long_string(lon_sec) + ' Longitude' title = {'maintitle':maintit,'lefttitle':label2,'righttitle':lanelR} # Check sharpness if sharp > 0: T0 = field.sel(deptht=slice(lev_min,lev_max),lon=slice(lon_sec-sharp,lon_sec+sharp)).mean(dim='lon') elif sharp < 0: raise SystemExit(f'Wrong sharp in lon_sect --> {sharp}') else: try: T0 = field.sel(deptht=slice(lev_min,lev_max),lon=lon_sec) except: raise SystemExit(f'Longitude missing in data set --> {}') #fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1, constrained_layout=False, figsize=(24,6) ) handle=ocean_section_plot(T0, ax, levels,cmap, refline=None, contour=contour,\ xlimit=xl,\ colorbar=True, title=title, **kw) small_map(fig,ax,cent_lon=0,lat=None, lon=lon_sec) infofile = ('Sect'+ maintit + zlib.long_string(lon_sec)+ str(lmax) +'.pdf').replace(' ','_') print(f'PDF Figure Ready on file ---> {infofile}') return infofile
[docs] @d.dedent def lat_sect(fig, ax, field, lat_sec,labelR=[],view='Atlantic', maintit=[],lmax=1000, xl=None,cmap='coolwarm', contour=True,levels=[], sharp=[], **kw): ''' Longitude section at a fixed latitude. This routine performs a section at the chosen latitude. The `sharpness` of he section is controlled by the parameter `sharp`. A `sharp = 0` indicates a precise section at the nominal latitude, where any value different from zero will result in average on an interval of length 2*sharpness centered at the latitude. Parameters ========== fig: Figure to be used ax : Plot axis to be used field: xarray Data to be plotted lon_sec: Longitude of the section lmax: Maximum depth of the section view: * Atlantic Atlantic at the center * Pacific Pacific at the center xl: Extent of the section cmap: colormap contour: True/false for having contours levels: Contour Levels ( see `choose_contour`) sharp: positive float Semi-width of the averaging interval around the section. The average ignore NaN and therefore small features can be lost in the averaging. labelR: Label on the top right of the plot maintit: Main title Returns ======= handle: handle to the plot ''' print(f'Sharpness set to {sharp}') #lon_sec = -140 lev_min = 0 lev_max = lmax # if lat_sec == 0: label2= zlib.lat_string(lat_sec) else: label2= zlib.lat_string(lat_sec) + ' Latitude' title = {'maintitle':maintit,'lefttitle':label2,'righttitle':labelR} # Check sharpness if sharp > 0: T0 = field.sel(deptht=slice(lev_min,lev_max),lat=slice(lat_sec-sharp,lat_sec+sharp)).mean(dim='lat') elif sharp < 0: raise SystemExit(f'Wrong sharp in lat_sect --> {sharp}') else: try: T0 = field.sel(deptht=slice(lev_min,lev_max),lat=lat_sec) except: raise SystemExit(f'Latitude missing in data set --> {}') if view == 'Atlantic': cent = 0.0 else: cent=180. handle=ocean_section_plot(T0, ax, levels ,cmap, refline=None,contour=contour,\ view=view,xlimit=xl,\ colorbar=True,title=title, **kw) small_map(fig,ax,cent_lon=cent,lat=lat_sec, lon=None) infofile = ('Sect'+ maintit + zlib.lat_string(lat_sec)+ str(lmax) + '.pdf').replace(' ','_') print(f'PDF Figure Ready on file ---> {infofile}') return infofile
[docs] def changelabel(ax,fontsize=12,fontfamily='times',fontweight='normal'): ''' Change label properties globally for all labels, for a single ax or all axes in figure Parameters ========== ax: axes of figure or single axes of panel fontsize: Fontsize fontfamily: FontFamily fontweight: FontWeight Examples ======== >>> changelabel(ax,fontsize=12,fontfamily='times',fontweight='normal') ''' if isinstance(ax, np.ndarray): panels = ax.flatten() else: panels=[ax] for i in panels: for label in i.get_xticklabels(): label.set_fontfamily(fontfamily) label.set_fontsize(fontsize) label.set_fontweight(fontweight) #label.set_va('bottom') for label in i.get_yticklabels(): label.set_fontfamily(fontfamily) label.set_fontsize(fontsize) label.set_fontweight(fontweight) label.set_ha('right') return
[docs] def changebox(ax,choice,linewidth=2,color='black',capstyle='round'): ''' Change spines properties globally for all labels, for a single ax or all axes in figure. Parameters ========== ax: axes of figure or single axes of panel choice: The spines to be modified, either `all` or `top`,`right`,`left`,`bottom` If it is not `all` it could be a list.. linewidth: linewidth color: color capstyle: Examples ======== >>> changebox(ax,'all',linewidth=2,color='black',capstyle='round') >>> changebox(ax,['top','bottom'],linewidth=2,color='black',capstyle='round') >>> changebox(ax,'left',linewidth=2,color='black',capstyle='round') ''' if isinstance(ax, np.ndarray): panels = ax.flatten() else: panels=[ax] if isinstance(choice,str): if choice == 'all': sides = ['top','bottom','left','right'] else: sides = [choice] else: sides = choice for i in panels: for j in sides: i.spines[j].set_linewidth(linewidth) i.spines[j].set_color(color) i.spines[j].set_capstyle(capstyle) return
[docs] def label_equator(ax,short=True): ''' Change latitudinal labels to 'EQ in the middle' ''' if isinstance(ax, np.ndarray): panels = ax.flatten() else: panels=[ax] for i in panels: i.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.FuncFormatter(_update_ticks)) return
def _update_ticks(x,pos): if x == 0: return 'EQ' else: i, d = divmod(x, 1) if d > 0: if i < 0 : return str(-x) + 'S' else: return str(x) + 'N' else: if i < 0: return str(-int(i)) + 'S' else: return str(int(i)) + 'N' return
[docs] def zonal_streamfun_plot(datau,datav,ax,cont, color='black', refline=None,\ cmap='bwr', title={}, title_style={},label_style={},\ colorbar=True, smooth=True, special_value=9999): """ Zonal streamfunction. Plot meridional streamfunction for field datu e datav. Parameters ---------- datau : xarray X component of the streamlines datav : xarray Y component of the streamlines ax : Plot axis to be used title : dict Dictionary with the title and its subtitles * lefttitle -- Title string on the left * righttitle -- Title string on the right * maintitle -- Title string at the center title_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the title label_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the labels cmap: Colormap smooth: False/True if smoothing is desired colorbar: False/True if a colorbar is desired """ #Set default arguments defaultGridLabels = { "fontsize": 12, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitleStyle = { "fontsize": 14, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitle = { 'lefttitle':'','righttitle':'','maintitle':'' } opt_label = {**defaultGridLabels, **label_style} title_text = {**defaultTitle, **title} opt_title = {**defaultTitleStyle, **title_style} #Special Values datau=datau.where(datau != 9999.) datav=datav.where(datav != 9999.) #Eliminate extra dimensions if len(datau.shape) > 2: datau = datau.squeeze() datav = datav.squeeze() #Interpolate on a pressure regular grid U=datau.interp(pressure=np.arange(100,1000,50)) V=datav.interp(pressure=np.arange(100,1000,50)) #Compute Streamfunction X,Y = np.meshgrid(, # integrate intx=integrate.cumtrapz(V,X,axis=1,initial=0)[0] inty=integrate.cumtrapz(U,Y,axis=0,initial=0) psi1=-intx+inty intx2=integrate.cumtrapz(V,X,axis=1,initial=0) inty2=integrate.cumtrapz(U,Y,axis=0,initial=0)[:,0][:,None] psi2=-intx2+inty2 #Xarray Data P = xr.full_like(U,1.0) =(psi1+psi2)/2. #Choose Contours vmin = P.min() vmax = P.max() cc = choose_contour(vmin,vmax,cont) print(f'Contouring from {} to {} with {cc} contours') # Contour Streamfunction handle = P.plot.contourf( ax=ax, # this is the axes we want to plot to cmap=cmap, # our special colormap levels=cc, # contour levels specified outside this function xticks=np.arange(-90, 91, 15), # nice x ticks yticks=[1000,850,700,500,300,200,100], # nice y ticks add_colorbar=colorbar, # don't add individual colorbars for each plot call add_labels=False # turn off xarray's automatic Lat, lon labels ) if refline: hc = P.plot.contour( ax=ax, levels=refline, colors="k", # note plurals in this and following kwargs linestyles="-", linewidths=1.25, add_labels=False # again turn off automatic labels ) # Label the contours # ax.clabel # handles["contour"], fontsize=8, fmt="%.0f", # Turn off decimal points # ) lev=U.pressure.values nlev=len(lev) ax.set_ylim(lev[nlev-1], lev[0]) # Invert y axis ax.set_xlim(90,-90) # Invert x axis # Add gridlines ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.FuncFormatter(_update_ticks)) set_titles_and_labels(ax,title_text,{'xlabel':'','ylabel':''},opt_title,opt_label) return handle
[docs] def add_cyclic_lon(data): ''' Adding a cyclic longitude to an xarray (corrected error on data.lon[0]) Parameters --------- data: xarray Returns ------- xarray: Data with cyclic coordinate added ''' nlat,nlon = data.shape newz = np.ones([nlat,nlon+1]) dxlon = data.lon[1] - data.lon[0] newlon = np.arange(data.lon[0],data.lon[-1]+2*dxlon,dxlon) newz[:,:-1] = newz[:,-1] = newz[:,0] newZ = xr.DataArray( data = newz, # enter data here dims = ['lat','lon'], coords = {'lat':,'lon':newlon}) return newZ
[docs] def xstmap(U, V, color='black', pro=None,ax=None, \ data_cent_lon=180, cyclic=True, coasts=True,\ lw=1,\ density=2,\ title=None, title_style=None,\ label_style=None,\ lonlabel=None,latlabel=None,\ xlimit=None,ylimit=None, \ colorbar=False, cscale=None,cmap='coolwarm',norm=None, quiet=True): """ Plot streamline for field U and V. This routine draws streamlines for the fields U,V, optionally colored with the field ``color``. Internally assume data is always on a latlon projection with central longitude at Greenwich. The data is supposed to be on a Plate (lat-lon) projection and the central longitude can be defined via the paramater `data_cent_lon`. The defualt is `data_cent_lon=180`, meaning that the central longitude is over the pacific. Coordinates that go from 0 to 360 implicitly assume such a Pacific central longitude. For the `Pacific` view it is assumed that the central longitude is at the dateline whereas for the `Atlantic` view the central longitude is at Greenwich. Parameters ---------- U : xarray X component of the streamlines V : xarray Y component of the streamlines color : Color of the stremalines ('black'). If it is xarray color the streamlines with the colormap ``cmap`` cscale : Optionally, if an array is used in `color`, it normalize to cscale = ( min, max) If omitted, (min,max) is computed from the array lw : float or array Linewidth, if a numpy array it is varying with the array values data_cent_lon : Central longitude for the data projection latlabel: Position of Latitude grids lonlabel: Position of Longitude grids density : Density of the streamlines ax : Plot axis to be used title : dict Dictionary with the title and its subtitles * lefttitle -- Title string on the left * righttitle -- Title string on the right * maintitle -- Title string at the center title_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the title label_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the labels cmap : Colormap colorbar : False/True xlimit : Limit of the map (lon) ylimit : Limit of the map (lat) Returns ------- handle : Dictionary with matplotlib-like info on the plot """ #Set default arguments defaultGridLabels = { "fontsize": 12, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitleStyle = { "fontsize": 14, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitle = { 'lefttitle':'','righttitle':'','maintitle':'' } defaultLatLabel = [-60.,-30.,0.,30.,60.] defaultLonLabel = np.arange(-180,181,30) if label_style is not None: opt_label = label_style else: opt_label = defaultGridLabels if title is not None: title_text = title else: title_text = defaultTitle if title_style is not None: opt_title = title_style else: opt_title = defaultTitleStyle if latlabel is not None: opt_latlabel = latlabel else: opt_latlabel = defaultLatLabel if lonlabel is not None: opt_lonlabel = lonlabel else: opt_lonlabel = defaultLonLabel #Check right projection thispro = pro.__class__.__name__ thisproview = pro.view # if not this in ['PlateCarree','NorthPolarStereo','SouthPolarStereo']: # print(' Wrong Projection in `xmap` {}'.format(this)) # raise SystemExit #select color scale, if `color` is an array # colors are normalized accordin to `cscale` this = type(color).__name__ print(f'Color scale chosen according to type {this}\n') normuv = None # Set data projection data_proj = car.PlateCarree(central_longitude=data_cent_lon) #Add Cyclic point if cyclic: U = add_cyclic_lon(U) V = add_cyclic_lon(V) #Adjust longitude for Atlantic projection if pro.view == 'Atlantic': U = adjust_data_centlon(U).assign_coords({'lon': (U.lon - 180)}) V = adjust_data_centlon(V).assign_coords({'lon': (U.lon - 180)}) #Eliminate extra dimensions if len(U.shape) > 2: U = U.squeeze() V = V.squeeze() # Add coastlines if coasts: ax.coastlines(linewidth=0.5) else: ax.coastlines(linewidths=0.5) ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAND, facecolor=color_land) #check colorscale if this == 'str': color_scale = color elif this == 'DataArray': if cyclic : color = add_cyclic_lon(color) if pro.view == 'Atlantic': color=adjust_data_centlon(color).assign_coords({'lon': (color.lon - 180)}) if not cscale: cscale= (color.min().min(), color.max().max() ) normuv =[0],cscale[1]) print(f'Color set an xarray -> cscale \n {cscale[0]} \t{cscale[1]}') color_scale = elif this == 'ndarray': if cyclic : color = add_cyclic_lon(color) if not cscale: cscale= (color.max().max(), color.min().min() ) normuv =[0],cscale[1]) print(f'Color set an array -> cscale {cscale}') color_scale=color else: color_scale='black' if thispro in ['PlateCarree']: if ylimit is None: ylim = ax.projection.y_limits else: ylim=ylimit ax.set_ylim(ylim) if xlimit is None: xlim = ax.projection.x_limits else: xlim=xlimit ax.set_xlim(xlim) elif thispro in ['NorthPolarStereo','SouthPolarStereo']: if xlimit is None: xlim = (np.amin(U.lon.values)-180,np.amax(U.lon.values)-180+0.001) else: xlim=xlimit if ylimit is None: ylim = (np.amin(,np.amax( else: ylim=ylimit print(' Plotting with x limits {} '.format(xlim) ) print(' Plotting with y limits {} '.format(ylim) ) ax.set_extent(list(xlim+ylim),car.PlateCarree()) # theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) center, radius = [0.5, 0.5], 0.5 verts = np.vstack([np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]).T circle = mpath.Path(verts * radius + center) ax.set_boundary(circle, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.spines['geo'].set_linewidth(2.0) else: print(f' Streamplot Projection in {thispro}') if not quiet: print(' Plotting with x limits {} '.format(xlim) ) print(' Plotting with y limits {} '.format(ylim) ) handles = dict() # Stream-plot the data # There is no Xarray streamplot function, yet. So need to call matplotlib.streamplot directly. Not sure why, but can't # pass xarray.DataArray objects directly: fetch NumPy arrays via 'data' attribute' handles = ax.streamplot(,,,, \ linewidth=lw, density=density, color=color_scale, transform=data_proj,\ arrowstyle='fancy',cmap=cmap, zorder=1, norm = normuv) # Add gridlines label_style = opt_label gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, dms=True,xlabel_style=label_style, ylabel_style=label_style, \ linewidth=0.6, color='gray', alpha=1.0,linestyle='--', \ formatter_kwargs={'degree_symbol':''}) gl.right_labels = True gl.top_labels = False gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator(opt_lonlabel) gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator(opt_latlabel) set_titles_and_labels(ax,title_text,{'xlabel':'','ylabel':''},opt_title,opt_label) # Add colorbar if colorbar: # create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5% # of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.05 inch. divider = tl.make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes('right',size="2.5%", pad=0.2, axes_class=plt.Axes) ax.get_figure().colorbar(handles.lines, cax=cax,orientation='vertical') return handles
[docs] def vecmap(U, V, C, color='black', pro=None,ax=None, \ data_cent_lon=0, cyclic=True, coasts=True,\ veckey=None,vec_min = 0.0, stride=10,\ title=None, title_style=None,\ label_style=None,\ lonlabel=None,latlabel=None,\ xlimit=None,ylimit=None, \ colorbar=False, cscale=None,cmap='coolwarm',norm=None, quiet=True,**kw): """ Vector plot for field U and V. This routine draws vectors for the fields U,V, optionally colored with the field ``color``. Internally assume data is always on a latlon projection with central longitude at Greenwich. Data must be on a (0,360) longitude coordinate referred to Greenwich, but the `xlimit` are referred to the projection chosen in `init`. For the `Pacific` view it is assumed that the central longitude is at the dateline whereas for the `Atlantic` view the central longitude is at Greenwich. It also takes all the other arguments for `quiver` Parameters ---------- U : xarray X component of the vectors V : xarray Y component of the vectors C : xarray Field to scale the vectors. If it is xarray color the streamlines with the colormap ``cmap`` pro: Projection ax: ax to plot color : Color of the stremalines ('black'). cscale : Optionally, if an array is used in `color`, it normalize to cscale = ( min, max) If omitted, (min,max) is computed from the array data_cent_lon : Central longitude for the data projection veckey : It is a dictionary for the reference vector, the values are * X, Y -- Location in figure coordinates * U -- Reference Unit Length * label -- Reference string, it can be a latex string, i.e r'$1 \\frac{m}{s}$' vec_min : Minimum value to represent with the vectors latlabel: Position of Latitude grids lonlabel: Position of Longitude grids title : dict Dictionary with the title and its subtitles * lefttitle -- Title string on the left * righttitle -- Title string on the right * maintitle -- Title string at the center title_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the title label_style : dict Dictionary with the style for the labels cmap : Colormap colorbar : False/True xlimit : Limit of the map (lon) ylimit : Limit of the map (lat) Returns ------- handle : Dictionary with matplotlib-like info on the plot """ #Set default arguments defaultGridLabels = { "fontsize": 12, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitleStyle = { "fontsize": 14, "color": "black",'fontfamily':'futura','fontweight':'bold' } defaultTitle = { 'lefttitle':'','righttitle':'','maintitle':'' } defaultLatLabel = [-60.,-30.,0.,30.,60.] defaultLonLabel = np.arange(-180,181,30) if label_style is not None: opt_label = label_style else: opt_label = defaultGridLabels if title is not None: title_text = title else: title_text = defaultTitle if title_style is not None: opt_title = title_style else: opt_title = defaultTitleStyle if latlabel is not None: opt_latlabel = latlabel else: opt_latlabel = defaultLatLabel if lonlabel is not None: opt_lonlabel = lonlabel else: opt_lonlabel = defaultLonLabel #Check right projection thispro = pro.__class__.__name__ print(f'`Projection` chosen according to type {thispro}\n') normuv = None # Set data projection data_proj = car.PlateCarree(central_longitude=data_cent_lon) #Add Cyclic point if cyclic: U = add_cyclic_lon(U) V = add_cyclic_lon(V) C = add_cyclic_lon(C) #Eliminate extra dimensions if len(U.shape) > 2: U = U.squeeze() V = V.squeeze() C = C.squeeze() # Add coastlines if coasts: ax.coastlines(linewidth=0.5) else: ax.coastlines(linewidths=0.5) ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAND, facecolor=color_land) # Color array this = C.__class__.__name__ if this == 'DataArray': print(f'Color set an xarray {}') if not cscale: cscale= (C.min(), C.max() ) normuv =[0],cscale[1]) col_vec = C[::stride,::stride] elif this == 'ndarray': print(f'Color set an array {}') if not cscale: cscale= (C.max(), C.min() ) normuv =[0],cscale[1]) col_vec=C[::stride,::stride] else: col_vec = None if thispro in ['PlateCarree']: if ylimit is None: ylim = ax.projection.y_limits else: ylim=ylimit ax.set_ylim(ylim) if xlimit is None: xlim = ax.projection.x_limits else: xlim=xlimit ax.set_xlim(xlim) elif thispro in ['NorthPolarStereo','SouthPolarStereo']: if xlimit is None: xlim = (np.amin(U.lon.values)-180,np.amax(U.lon.values)-180+0.001) else: xlim=xlimit if ylimit is None: ylim = (np.amin(,np.amax( else: ylim=ylimit print(' Plotting with x limits {} '.format(xlim) ) print(' Plotting with y limits {} '.format(ylim) ) ax.set_extent(list(xlim+ylim),car.PlateCarree()) # theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) center, radius = [0.5, 0.5], 0.5 verts = np.vstack([np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]).T circle = mpath.Path(verts * radius + center) ax.set_boundary(circle, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.spines['geo'].set_linewidth(2.0) else: print(f' Projection chosen {thispro}') if not quiet: print(' Plotting with x limits {} '.format(xlim) ) print(' Plotting with y limits {} '.format(ylim) ) if not quiet: print(f'Vecmap \n') #Eliminate small values mag = np.sqrt(U*U + V*V) this_U = U.where(mag > vec_min) this_V = V.where(mag > vec_min) # Vector the data # There is no Xarray quiver function, yet. So need to call matplotlib.streamplot directly. Not sure why, but can't # pass xarray.DataArray objects directly: fetch NumPy arrays via 'data' attribute' # sp=ax.quiver([::stride],[::stride],[::stride,::stride],[::stride,::stride], col_vec,\ # linewidth=1, color=color, \ # cmap=cmap, zorder=1,norm = normuv,**kw) sp=ax.quiver([::stride],[::stride],[::stride,::stride],[::stride,::stride], col_vec,\ transform=data_proj,color=color, cmap=cmap, norm=normuv, zorder=1,**kw) if veckey: ax.quiverkey( sp, veckey['X'], veckey['Y'], veckey['Unit'], veckey['label'],coordinates='figure') # # Add gridlines label_style = opt_label gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, dms=True,xlabel_style=label_style, ylabel_style=label_style, \ linewidth=0.6, color='gray', alpha=1.0,linestyle='--', \ formatter_kwargs={'degree_symbol':''}) gl.right_labels = True gl.top_labels = False gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator(opt_lonlabel) gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator(opt_latlabel) set_titles_and_labels(ax,title_text,{'xlabel':'','ylabel':''},opt_title,opt_label) # Add colorbar if colorbar: # create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5% # of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.05 inch. divider = tl.make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes('right',size="2.5%", pad=0.2, axes_class=plt.Axes) ax.get_figure().colorbar(sp, cax=cax,orientation='vertical') return {'Vectors':sp,'Gridlines':gl}